[center][h2][color=009966]Joseph 'Tank' Cooper[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Interacting with: Detective Gregory [@Lady Amalthea], Jeremy [@Pundii] [hr][hr] Tank found the door to the bottom kicked in conveniently. "[color=009966]Cool[/color]," he deadpanned as he continued on as fast as his legs could carry him. He was no hero or climber, but he was fit and fast, making it up the first few floors with only a few grunts and two bruises on his arms. The fire escape across the window was a real bitch, though. "[color=009966]Shit...[/color]" he muttered. He'd rather not remember the details of that window maneuver he performed, and it got him a bruised ribcage and a cut across his scalp from an out-thrust plank. Still, after he'd made it to the ladder without wetting himself, he ascended the last few floors and hauled himself atop the roof. He dusted himself off, taking some small splinters out of his hair. "[color=009966]Greg[/color]," he said with a nod to his fellow Detective. Tank thought his colleague was an alright guy, which was high praise coming from him. He saw Jeremy handing his fellow detective the Shell casings. He gave him a nod too. "[color=009966]Indy. You guys have been busy.[/color]" he said, walking along the roof and gazing about with a practiced eye. Tank put his foot on the small concrete parapet along the edge and gazed down at the crowed below. He whistled and stuck a toothpick in his mouth. From what he could tell as he walked along, there'd been some kind of struggle up here. But that could perhaps be disputed. He needed to think. The next stream of thoughts happened in a matter of moments. Suicide or murder? Well the scene behind points to murder, and it's something he had to concur with. But if it was a suicide, then why would Danica not just shoot herself and then be done with it? The only reason he could see of her killing herself in a way to fall onto the Block Party would be a cry for attention. Admittedly, that was why most committed suicide. But then why not just jump? Other than the quick and painless use of a gun.