Sophia grinned when Peyton suggested they hang out, almost laughing when she seemed unsure. She could always use more friends and she wasn't about to turn someone like Peyton down, she seemed so nice. [color=salmon]"Of course! We should definitely hang out together, I mean... as long as you aren't the type to judge people immediately. I don't think it's really fair what happened in class earlier."[/color] It's not that she was picking sides, but it isn't like there haven't been people she doesn't like quickly after meeting them. It doesn't usually get to the fighting stage, but she had a bad feeling she would end up in fights on her team in the future. [color=salmon]"I think we're just supposed to try to kind of attack each other, but not let the other person have open shots. As if we actually had an egg to protect.[/color] Professor Elle is explaining that they need to each take a turn using magic or blows to try and get the upper hand on their opponent, to look for a shot that would open their dragon up to damage.