[sub][@Blue Demon][/sub] Watching as another pair was formed, Athena groaned inwardly. So she was inevitably going to be paired with the female twin, [i]brilliant[/i]. Setting her bag down at the side of the room, with a quick 'I'll be back', she took a moment to compose herself before taking the plunge. It would be rather embarrassing to have the teacher call her out on not having a partner, she didn't exactly want to seem like a loner. Yet, at the same time, she could've sworn that herself and the older girl had the same affinity. Well, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. She was rather inexperienced in it anyway, she might learn a few things! [i]'Yeah, keep thinking positive. Nothing could possibly go wrong.'[/i] Taking a breath, she shuffled over to where her inevitable partner was sat. At least they had something in common, neither of them seemed to really want to be the one to initiate the interaction. Stopping in front of the woman, she extended a hand awkwardly, going for a handshake, but retracted it halfway. She ended up doing a funky back and forth with her hand, as though she was handling an imaginary knife on an imaginary chopping board, before she finally decided on thrusting her arm out as far as it would go. "[color=f49ac2]Yang, Athena. But you probably already knew that. Um... I don't believe I know of you[/color]?" She said, rather awkwardly, her face shrouded by her hair.