Name: Alice Breckin Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Appearance: [img][/img] Mutation: Vibration Manipulation: Alice gained the ability to generate and manipulate the constant vibrations in the universe, which give her the ability to produce shockwaves, earthquakes, and the ability to affect objects by shaking them and moving them. Personality: Alice is kind, caring, intelligent, and a laid-back young woman, who often at first glance seems unable to take things seriously. However, she has often proven to be surprisingly focused when it comes to helping others. It's apparent that Alice is a nerd in many of the conventional ways. She has a clear love of comics, sci-fi and pop culture, and is very excited to see such concepts made real for her, such as witnessing super-powers from assorted mutants. Alice has great pride about her gadgets to the point of being extremely protective of it, such as becoming angry when she hears that someone accidentally broke one of them. Alice is also a very careful planner. Bio: Alice was raised a single child in a normal middle class family in Los Angeles, California; her father a fundamentalist Christian preacher who secretly worked with Reverend William Stryker’s Purifiers, her mother a stay at home mom. It was evident early on that she would not grow to be a normal child, often finding herself arguing with her father over his beliefs and her lack thereof. Her powers first manifested around when she turned 12. She began to notice that sometimes glass would suddenly shatter or things would start to shake around her would without anything causing it. When she returned home that day she found that she could feel different vibrations from the different projects she was working on. Eventually her family was contacted by a Professor Charles Xavier. After finding out that his very own daughter was that which he hated most, he quickly disowned her and handed her over to the X-Men, threatening that he would contact his “friends” to kill them all if he did not take her away quickly. The next five years were almost uneventful. She spent most of her time going to school at the X-Mansion in New York, making a name for herself amongst students as something of a fun geek, and someone that others could go to for help in anything, weather it be homework or just someone to talk to. She began taking an interest in the mechanics, chemistry and physics. Other: [color=fff200]$3 Pineapples[/color]