I like this. I can get on board. [center][h3][color=7ecf3c]The Good[/color][/h3][/center] I started off RPing in MMO settings. I was playing City of Heroes when I was younger, and I stumbled on a group of people talking and interacting with each other. I didn't know what was going on so I pestered one of them, and they in turn introduced me into the wonderful world of RPing. Now before you say anything, I know that RPing in a game and RPing on a site like this may SEEM different, but it's quite the same. The only major difference is on here, you can post and then log off and return later, whereas you need to be in the actual game to be able to RP. Be that as it may, I've had lots of good things in RPing on MMOs as a starter. I've made a few close friends who I still play with (not necessariyl RP with, but I play other games with them). I think the biggest good to come out of it was how I expanded my writing. I LOVE writing. Love it so much. I love creating characters, places, things, worlds and establishing them and expanding them. I was able to increase my skills in writing from all the RPing I did. I learned what to do and what not to do when making characters, I learned how to emote better, and I made some good friends out of playing with people. [center][h3][color=3ccacf]The Bad[/color][/h3][/center] While RPing on here and in other games, I've seen some bad things. The biggest thing I have noticed is when people up and leave with no notice, other than long periods of silence. I mean, I get it, and I've said this in countless other threads, Real Life comes first in every regard, but some notice is appreciated. Heck, even if you have to disband the game because of RL, at least say something so I'm not on here checking everyday for a post. I also have the biggest pet peeve of Mary Sues. But not just the character concepts themselves, I also don't like it when people accuse others of being a Mary/Marty Sue because they don't understand the character. I've been accused of this, and in some ways, I can see where they were coming from, but other times I can't. Being a "special snowflake" is one thing, but no one wants to be a copy of something else (unless you are playing that character in that specific setting). Being different is great but being REALLY different just for the sake of it is cringe-worthy. But I hate it when I am told my character is a Mary Sue because I added something to make him/her unique. Lastly, I don't enjoy being put in uncomfortable situations without my say so. This can be violence, sex, etc. I don't know if anyone on here knows what ERP is, or Erotic Roleplay, but in the MMO RP community, it is a thing. Now, I don't mind ERP at all, I've done it a few times, but it's always been with my go-ahead. When someone decides they wanna "do" my character without my say so, I get defensive and a little pissed off. Same with character deaths. Deaths can be great for storytelling, but unless I say "I want my character dead" DO NOT kill off my character! [center][h3][color=ff166e]The Ugly[/color][/h3][/center] I have a story to share with everyone. I've never told anyone about this thing that happened to me, save for some friends, but this is the reason why I no longer play MMOs, and why I don't RP on them anymore. I won't say the name of the game, but I was RPing in this game for a bit now. I was in a group of RPers, I was enjoying myself. We were a small, somewhat close group, but things were going pretty smoothly. What I didn't know was this game's RP community was one of the worst I have ever seen. There were vicious rumors going around, insults, drama like you wouldn't believe, all on the community website for anyone to see. Side note for reference. I don't use voice chat. Or I should say, I RARELY use it. I don't like doing it, for my own personal reasons. And I get where some people come from, but at the same time I am a person and I deserve the respect others get. Now, I don't know how it started. To this day, I still question it, but some guy in our group noted that I never speak in the groups's voice chat. He went on to say how he didn't believe I was a girl, I was lying to the group, and proceeded to call me a surplus of names. Now I expected the group to back me up. Was I wrong! Instead, most lashed out at me, being quite rude and vile towards me. They even took this out of roleplay drama and inserted it into the RP. Meaning they all of a sudden wanted nothing to do with my character, despite anything! Lots of drama ensued. I was called a whore because I was talking to a fellow group mate about doing a relationship RP with him (he was the leader's best friend) and I was called a slut for it. They went on the community site and called me out in front of everyone on there. Long story short, I ended up leaving the game and the site. I went to another game, but they found me over there and started this drama bandwagon again. So I left permanently. Now...I am not saying everyone is like this. I know there are GOOD RPers in the MMO worlds out there, but I just cannot bring myself to do it anymore after the vileness I witnessed in this game. So that is what brought me to RPing on sites like this. I still wanted to RP and I needed a way to get my fix. So here I am. Moral of the story: Be respectful of others. If you have questions. Ask. Don't talk about others behind their back because you don't understand something. Be kind. If you don't like something I or someone else did, say something instead of voicing it to anyone else. And most of all, if you're going to be a jackass, expect a bitch slap in return :)