[@ADamnFiddle] [color=00aeef][b]Saber[/b][/color] There was naught but silence in the room, but for the sound of her Master working on something arcane. Her senses was turned outwards, trying to look for threats or anything else that might threaten her Master, thus she was immediately aware when the message appeared for her Master. The contents of the letter was unknown to her, but it was obvious what sort of letter it was from her master's reaction. An invitation of sorts, though to what, she did not know. [color=springgreen]“Alright Saber, I have completed my work as a mage for the time being. But it appears that we have been invited to a party of sorts. Might you, a strong knight, be my escort for this 'party?'”[/color] Pausing for moment, her Master continued.[color=springgreen] “I am sorry if I had bothered you with my inquiry before. I do hope you do not hate me, but if that is the case I am sorry for my transgressions and hope we can possibly move past it. Perhaps I am getting a bit ahead of myself, but I still wish for you to attend this party with me. There might be other Masters attending as well, so it would be best for us to see the competition.”[/color] Before? Perhaps her Master took that short bit of silence before her answer as some sort of slight. [color=00aeef]"Of course Master. I did not harbor such feelings in the first place. As thus, I would be honored to be your escort to this party."[/color] Of course, if her Master had not thought of bringing her, she would have insisted on it, or find a way to be there without her Master knowing. There was no telling what sort of misfortune might fall upon her Master at this party or the way there.