May I offer a suggestion? About a year ago, I created an RP about a Private Military Corporation called "Alamo Scouts". It is set in the "not too distant future"; and loosely based on the video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfighter. I ask for non-canonical characters and intent on using the COD;AW weapons and equipment as well as organizations used in the video game. The name Alamo Scouts is based on the WWII unit, [url=]6th Army Special Reconnaissance Unit[/url], which operated out of Australia and performed similar operations into the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO). This RP is an example of borrowing lessons from the past and thrusting them slightly into the future using a quasi science fiction setting based on theoretical technology of today. Below, in the hider is the In Character post I wrote up about Alamo Scouts. This seems to fill the idea [@NickTrano] came up with. [hider=Alamo Scouts][b][u][h3][color=#408040]In Character[/color][/h3][/u][/b] The year is 2056. The United States of America (USA) is in its second year of the war with the People's Republic of China (PRC). Most of the ground war is taking place on the Korean Peninsula, South Pacific Islands (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, New Guinea, Philippines, Marianas, Taiwan, and Solomon Islands), Eastern Russia, Western Canada and Alaska. The war is being fought slowly, with tremendous volumes of blood being paid for every square yard taken. There is a vast naval and air war being fought, currently at parity across the Pacific Ocean. Alamo Scouts, Incorporated is a Private Military Company (PMC) based out of San Antonio, Texas with advanced assets at their base in Darwin, Australia. It is a joint US-Australian corporation hiring experienced professional military and paramilitary personnel from the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Western Europe. The PMC specializes in intelligence gathering through reconnaissance, surveillance and deep penetration of targeted installations. Occasionally, they are called upon for direct action missions. Employees who come to Alamo Scouts have real world experience in Infantry, Cavalry, Special Operations, Commando, Special Air Service, Joint Task Force, Long Range Reconnaissance & Surveillance, Law Enforcement and/or governmental direct action units (i.e.: CIA's Special Activities Division). Applicants are generally combat veterans who have at least three or more years time in service. Applicants with experience in two or more generalized areas of expertise are given preferential treatment over younger candidates. The average age of the Alamo Scout Operative is 33.1 years of age. Alamo Scouts, Inc. holds contracts with various Pacific rim nations including the US, Canada, Japan, Philippines, New Zealand and Australia. Hostile nations include PRC, N. Korea, Iran and Pakistan. Hostile organizations include KVA (Russian Terrorists), Daesh or Islamic State (Middle Eastern religious zealots), Taliban and the New Liberation Front (NLF) which seeks to over throw the current democratic government in Russia. Although the war is fought in many locales in the eastern Russian Federation, Russia is not directly involved with the conflict between the USA and PRC. The Russian Federation is engaged in a protracted war with KVA and NLF organizations. There are no known organized operations involving both KVA and NLF forces working in unison as of this date. Rumor has it, they could be coming together soon. Alamo Scouts utilize Long Range Reconnaissance and Surveillance Detachments (LRRS-D) which operate in 8-man teams. Each Alamo Scout Team plans, executes and supports its own missions with support from Alamo's Special Logistics Division (SLD). The SLD is equipped with the latest in state of the art technology to include the employment of cybernetically enhanced prosthetic limbs and implants. The SLD also provides Air, Land and Sea transport when needed and has recently given the ability to provide an orbital launch insertion method using jump pods. Alamo Scouts' Intelligence Analysis Division (IAD) gathers intelligence collected by Reconnaissance & Surveillance (R&S) teams and prepares it for dissemination to contracted nations and organizations. All Applicants to Alamo Scouts undergo a Basic Operator Training (BOT) regimen at Operating Base Crocket near San Antonio, Texas. The BOT experience builds on the training and experience individual applicants have received from their home nation, teaches the Alamo operator how to use the PMC equipment and conduct operations according to the Alamo Scout Operations Procedures (ASOP). Applicants receive a copy of the ASOP during in processing and are expected to memorize every Tactic, Technique and Procedure (TTP) mentioned in the manual. [/hider]