[hider=the Wingless Dragon] Dragon: [img] http://orig10.deviantart.net/e7c9/f/2016/063/c/7/death_of_fafnir_by_atenebris-d9twhno.jpg [/img] (size and appearance exact in scale, the man stabbing fafnir, his brother, is 6'0) Human: [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/c5/3c/cdc53c0d6b899a68f6d8fb697072ec96.jpg [/img] Armor: [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/c92d/f/2016/112/5/0/dark_souls_iii_by_nine_bullet_revolver-d9zwf85.jpg[/img] Name: Fafnir Sigurd Nickname/other name known by: Known by various villagers that he has encountered as either The Dragon Knight, or Dragon of Death. However he will often make up titles for himself such as "Fafnir the scalelord" or "Fafnir the magnificent" every now and then due to his pride. Age: In his human form he appears to be between 18-28 years old, though supposedly he is much older, claiming to be at least 200 years old. Gender: Male Relationship Status: Currently None Race/Species: Drakken (mergence of human and dragon) Personality: Stubborn and prideful, but tries to go by a code of knighthood and chivalry. However he is easy to enrage and his temper is as fierce as your typical dragon, his greed is another issue he has to deal with. However if your not on his bad side Fafnir tends to be quiet the cheerful company, though he will often spend conversations telling stories that may or may not be fabricated and having a few good teases at those listening at him. Strengths: If there is one thing Fafnir is good at, its his physical prowess, being a dragon you can expect great feats of speed, strength, endurance, durability, and so fourth. His strength even in his human form is so great he can lift a 3 ton boulder with ease. He is practically immune to heat and fire to the point where he can march through molten rock without any sort of damage. The hotter the environment the better. in his dragon form his slender body is surprisingly flexible and swift. Though he lacks the wings most dragons have, he is otherwise an all terrain beast capable of easily surging through most terrains, swiftly swimming in water, and is a fairly good climber. Most of his scales are plated and keeled in design, and are as durable as steel making most weapons ineffective against his hide, with the exception of his underbelly. He can dabble somewhat into range battles with his additional powers but is best at close range combat. In his human form he fights well with his weapons and his armor offers nearly the same protection as his scaled hide of his dragon form. He also appears to be immune to most forms of pathogens and toxins, including most acids, venom, and most biological poisons including his own. Weaknesses: He cannot survive long in weather below room temperature, since he is cold blooded. His heat manipulation can temporarily keep him warm but doing so will quickly exhaust him. This also makes him extremely vulnerable to ice/cold based attacks. As mentioned before, his chest in his dragon form isn't as strong or durable as the rest of his scales, serving as a weak spot. His ego can get the better of him, leading him to underestimate opponents, overestimate his own abilities, or can become distracted by false compliments from his enemies. Additionally he is easily tempted by greed and without the guidance of others this can lead him to make poor choices. What does your character like/Hate the most: He despises Cold climate, anyone who disrespects or underestimates him/belittles him, sorcerers (he views them as cowards and fools), and creatures of darkness (his viewpoint upon such creatures like vampires and zombies as pitifully weak and do not deserve to exist, rarely will he make an exception.) He likes Sunbathing, Bathing in lava, Sparring/battling, telling stories, boosting his ego, collecting treasures, and hunting (be it beast or person.) Skills: -Being a dragon his best senses are his scent (he can smell with his forked tongue like most lizards and snakes in a similar fashion to a tuning fork), and eyes that are not only sharp and keen, but have a illuminating property which can be described in darkness as a pair of dimly lit candle flames, providing vision even in an area devoid of light. -He is talented in his human form with his Lance, Flail, and great shield. He can deliver flurries of blows with his lance, or use his shield like a massive hammer when not using it for defense. His Flail offers a nice side arm and its methods of attacking can certainly flank enemies in certain situations. -Fast and having seemingly an indefinite endurance Fafnir can traverse terrain and water with incredible speed and persistence, trying to run from him head on isn't the best strategy unless you happened to be incredibly fast, and even then his incredible sense of smell can locate targets a little over 2 miles away. -In his dragon form, his most lethal physical weapons are his teeth, whip-like tail, spiny back, and claws. It should also be noted that his physical abilities like strength and speed are increased even further in comparison to his human form. He can curl into a sphere like position to protect his soft chest and perform a rolling attack, however he cannot see or guide his roll while in this position. He seems to be more of a monstrous hybrid of snake and lizard, his head can strike like an adder and just as fast, while he can chase down prey like a large monitor lizard. Weapon/Items: A lance made mostly from what he claims is 'black iron' though the exact properties of such a metal are unknown, the weapon itself seems practically indestructible base on how much he abuses it. A great shield made from his shed skin he collected that he didn't already consume, combined with steel and an unspecified type of rock, the shield itself is practically as big as a person and weighs nearly a ton. His flail doesn't appear special but it is enchanted with a lightning aspect, delivering a shocking damage to receivers. The armor he dawns is a mysterious item as while it was once his original armor piece the set now seems to be entwined with his curse (or blessing), seemingly disappearing when he transforms yet reappears when he returns as a human without any damage present. He also carries with him a large chest filled with gold coins, gems, rare artifacts, and other ancient and prized valuables and shiny expenses. Well carrying isn't the right word, he actually swallowed the chest and stores it in his stomach, which he can regurgitate at any time. The chest seems to be enchanted so the acids of his digestive track doesn't appear to degrade it in any way. Powers/Abilities: -Fire manipulation, a standard power with most dragons. His fire originates from his own body, and can manipulate it to various degrees. He can light his own body on fire, breathe intense jets of flames, hurdle fireballs as strong as a grenade, and create a shock wave of fire beneath his ground. -Toxicity: He has both poisonous and venomous qualities, the venom which is secreted from his lacerating teeth. The venom isn't fatal by itself, but delivers a variety of detrimental effects. Firstly while in effect, the venom blocks most forms of healing, being natural or magical, including regeneration and blood clotting, making even semi-serious wounds fatal if not bandaged up severely within a few hours. The venom will also cause the victim to grow fatigue until the target passes out, in which case the victim will not awaken until the venom is cured. Fortunately the venom can be fought off with a healthy immune system within a day, and the venom itself isn't too hard to cure with potions and anti-venoms. His saliva is toxic, and can erode most soils, weak metals, and flesh. However it takes a while for the saliva to dissolve organic material that is effected and isn't his own, usually upon human skin no noteworthy damage will occur until after 15 minutes of continuous exposure. However the metals and soils that are vulnerable to its acidic properties will usually erode at a much faster rate. He can breathe toxic fumes that disorients those that come into contact with it, obscuring vision, hearing, numbing senses and creating a dizzy feeling, while also choking up the victim's lungs. The gas is also flammable and can be combined with a fire breathe to exhale green flames of the same disorienting effect. History/Biography: Fafnir was a human (though some say he was a dwarf) that had three brothers, and a hoard of treasure. A spirit, supposedly a god, warned each of the brothers that the other brothers were going to take the gold from each other. The two didn't listen, but the third, Fafnir, did. Suspicious of his brothers Fafnir constantly guarded the treasure hoard and was especially cautious when his other brothers went to observe their belongings. Seemingly from shear greed and envy Fafnir slowly transformed into a dragon, though it is likely that his increasing sinful nature attracted a dragon spirit that merged with him. When his brothers found a monster at the pile of their hoard, they instinctively tried to kill it. Fafnir at first, had trouble controlling his sinful nature of greed, wrath, and Pride, though he tried to reason with them he failed to speak much, and instead fought back. One of his brothers successfully wounded him gravely in his belly after a long battle and the slaying of the third brother, to which Fafnir cried in pain and retreated. Betrayed and realized the monster he became, Fafnir's grief overcame envy in this instance, and roamed the natures of forest and mountains in his monstrous form, trying to regain his former humanity. Eventually, this control over his sins seemed to cause him to be more of control with his monstrosity, as after a century had passed he found that he can shift between his reptilian form and his previous human state. This control had now inspired the transformation that he once saw as a curse and further took pleasure in shifting between forms for whatever purpose he needed to, and the idea of him being a dragon certainly now fueled his growing ego. He had reclaimed his former skills of a warrior with a Flail, and the other two weapons he eventually obtained after plundering and raiding dungeons. His history with exploring abandoned ruins and such has amassed him a treasure which he stores with him at all times. Even now he struggled with morality and sin, at some points he may seem like an enigma, he might save a town or damsel in distress in one day then destroy another town, or even the same town, for enraging him by not giving him sufficient praise and reward. In addition to his sin he has also grown a beastly habit which is especially present in his dragon form, adopting a predatory-like behavior especially when dwelling in wild areas and his fighting style when not using his weapons often reflect a savage nature. Additional: Mostly (though loosely) based off the legend of fafnir from norse mythology, look it up if your curious.) Despite telling much about his 'adventure of glory' rarely will he tell anyone of his past as he is still of too much sorrow and regret to speak of it. Also if you drink with him you are bound to bond with him, most likely anyway. [/hider]