[hider=The Princess] [hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmUyOWQ5ZC5WR2hsSUZCeWFXNWpaWE56LjA,/evasdigiscript.regular.png[/img] [img]http://p2015.class01.com/UploadFile/Picture/Label/Big/2014/09/28/2014092812482066177.jpg[/img] [i]This is her normal, unchanged form, which she can alter at any time.[/i][/center] [hr] [b][color=e29d9d]Appearance:[/color][/b] The two words that could be used to describe her unchanged form are "delicate" and "beautiful." She keeps these qualities consistent through most of her forms, since she typically plays various "daughters" of her father, the king. Her typical height is around 5'4", and her skin is a rosy porcelain, sometimes dotted with freckles but usually not. She has more strength in her arms than is apparent due to plenty of needlepoint, medicinal work, and other tasks involving her hands. Her eyes are naturally green, but she usually makes them a deep blue when she shifts. Her natural hair is rather short, as despite this conflicts with typical female hairstyles, she finds it easier to manage at that length. However, when she shifts, her hair is usually to the small of her back, since this is what most suitors prefer. [b][color=e29d9d]Name:[/color][/b] Prefers to be called "Aspen," but has no official name [b][color=e29d9d]Nickname/other name known by:[/color][/b] The Princess [b][color=e29d9d]Age:[/color][/b] 22 [b][color=e29d9d]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=e29d9d]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Married off to far more unsatisfying men than she would like, so looking for true romance [b][color=e29d9d]Race/Species:[/color][/b] Shapeshifter, typically appears as human [b][color=e29d9d]Personality:[/color][/b] Aspen is the princess one always finds in the stories. Her personality usually remains the same through her transformations as a shapeshifter, though as time goes on, her quirks alter; sometimes, she finds herself unable to do anything but cry ([i]The Golden Goose[/i]); other times, she wants nothing more than to dance ([i]The Twelve Dancing Princesses[/i]). However, she is consistently a naive, free girl willing to do anything to satisfy her itches. Although she appears delicate and flimsy, when put into a tough place, she holds great strength and can push through the trying times if she puts her mind to it (which she had to do in [i]The Goose Girl[/i]). Still, she is no warrior, and if put in an actual duel, she breaks from anxiety far before wielding a sword. [b][color=e29d9d]Strengths:[/color][/b] She offers fantastic emotional counsel, as she has been put in plenty of situations, ranging from mortally dangerous to plain strange. She is wonderful at most of the "girl" things like needlepoint and fashion, but is also a good negotiator and works out disagreements from an optimistic point of view. She is good behind-the-scenes in duels, working with herbs and medicines and smoothing the frazzled nerves of warriors. And, most obviously, she can shape-shift to nearly any form. [b][color=e29d9d]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] Although she plays a key role behind the curtain when fights occur, she is flimsy as a feather when handed a sword herself. Even if she chooses a form with great physical strength, she lacks the knowledge and training to hold herself up against an opponent. She is also far too naive for her own good and can find the nice parts of everyone, leading her to be easily-tricked and too forgiving for her own safety. [b][color=e29d9d]Likes and hates:[/color][/b] She adores romance. She is also somewhat intrigued by medicine, although not enough to pursue it full-time (not that she could as a princess, of course). She admires those with cunning, creativity, and intelligence. Her likes and dislikes vary wildly with time. She dislikes those who are outwardly cocky or rude. She's also mildly irritated by homely people, though she can't tell why. [b][color=e29d9d]Skills:[/color][/b] As mentioned before, she enjoys working with medicine and offers fine counsel and mediation in a fight. She is a shape-shifter and changes herself to fit with the many story lines she is a part of. Weapon/Items: One underestimates just how much a corset and several skirts can hold, especially after she added her own pockets to them for convenience. She frequently carries a few bottles of everyday medicine, along with a journal, a quill and inkwell (the latter of which is wrapped in thick, waxy paper), a kerchief, and a hand mirror. [b][color=e29d9d]Powers/Abilities:[/color][/b] For the ump-teenth time, she can shapeshift. [b][color=e29d9d]History/Biography:[/color][/b] Aspen was born on a crisp, snowy morning to a rich king and queen, both of whom were of perfect breeding, perfect taste, and and near-perfect political prowess. They governed a fine kingdom neighboring the evil queen's, and the lands her parents controlled were revered for their kind and charismatic peoples. The country also had a reputation for its strange policies, though, most of which involved marrying a daughter as a prize. And that is where her struggles began. Aspen had grown tired of being married off over and over. The mad scramble to shape shift and visit her many husbands without any of their suspicions being raised grew harder and harder as her father kept adding policies and inventing daughters for her to act as. She blamed the Grimm brothers for this, having heard a bit of gossip about their power to influence life stories, and traveled to the evil queen. There, she begged the woman to let her know when and if the brothers were caught, so she could perhaps meet them, explain her plight, and request their elimination of some of the stories to reduce the immense stress that had been placed on her head. She returned home soon after. However, upon discovering the queen's announcement to kill mortals, she returned to the queen's kingdom, partially to meet the brothers, partially to stay on the queen's good side (she didn't want to be one of the innocents who died), and partially to influence her to do away with the curse. She doesn't quite oppose the queen, but she doesn't exactly support her, either. Because of her closeness to the queen, some believe she is the queen's daughter, making opinions of her skewed. [b][color=e29d9d]Other Information:[/color][/b] None to be thought of at the moment. Feel free to request it. [/hider]