[color=#9C0000][center][h1]Laine Eldor[/h1][/center][/color] [i][b]Two days earlier...[/b][/i] Laine sat at bar in the slums of Ardent’s Watch, sipping on a large pile of ale, his second of the night. Tomorrow he would leave this town and head east towards the Citadel, making stops at the small towns and villages to see if they had jobs so he could earn extra cash along the way. [color=#9C0000]“Just one more night in this hellhole Laine, hang in there”[/color] He mumbled as he took in his surroundings. It was exactly what you would expect from a tavern that sat right in the middle of the poorer side of the city. Outside of the tavern there was at least one fight every ten minutes and it always ended with one of the combatants either unconscious or dead. The inside was no better, entertaining an assortment of every stereotypical bad guy, from thief’s to henchmen. As he took the atmosphere in one more time, he asked himself once again how he ended up here in the first place. [color=#9C0000]“Probably because the ale is cheaper in places like this.”[/color] He whispered to himself with a small smile. Laine train of thought was interrupted when his eyes focused on the barmaid who was to his right, being harassed by a drunk group of men. Laine continued to watch, being too afraid to jump in right away, lest he unnecessarily starts something he knows those men could not finish. The final straw came when one of the men ran a hand up the women’s skirt. She replied with a slap to his face and he in turn replied with a backhand that sent her to the floor. With a curse he went to grab the woman but was instead met with a crossbow bolt through his left hand. With a cry of pain that shocked the whole room into silence, the man fell to his knees clutching his wounded hand. All eyes turned to the hooded man who held the crossbow, sitting at the end of the bar. And then they watched as he slowly retracted the weapon and lowered his hood, revealing a young man no older than 26, with sharp features and messy, short, hair that was a pale white, with his eyes being a dark chocolate colour. As the drunk men stood up and prepared for a fight, Laine sighed. [color=#9C0000]“You couldn’t just leave her alone could you? The last night I was supposed here and this happens. Do you really have to make my life a living hell?”[/color] He said looking up at the ceiling before almost instantly charging the men... [i][b]Present day.[/b][/i] Laine awoke to the sounds of two men talking in a nearby cell. As he looked around he slapped his face lightly as he woke himself up. [color=#9C0000]“Another day, another hell.”[/color] He grunted as he stood up and walked around. As he looked around he saw one of drunk men he fought. His right eye was swollen and he had stitches of various sizes littering his face. When he noticed Laine he immediately recoiled and stumbled backwards. [b]“ ‘ere he is, that bloody demon.”[/b] The man whispered as Laine walked past him, paying him no attention. The fight lasted less than a minute before Laine was knocked out by one of the spectators who whacked him over the head with a pint. Apparently the man was friends with one of the drunk men, apparently he also whacked Laine a few more times in the face with the face once he was unconscious which explained a stitched up wound just over his right eyebrow. [color=#9C0000][i]At least that lady swung by to thank me[/i][/color] He thought to himself as he recalled the barmaid visiting him the day before and rewarding him with a kiss and “A little something extra” when he gets out. Of course, Laine replied with a gulp and an inaudible noise that resembled an okay. With a chuckle Laine walked back to his original place on the floor where he awoke about 10 minutes earlier. As he sat down he looked up at the ceiling once again, and smiled [color=#9C0000]"Still, glad this ain't Redcliffe, would've died by now.”[/color] he snorted before he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.