[center][hr][hr][h1][color=1E90FF]Emmett Warde II[/color] & [color=#a49cd3]Rooke Warde[/color][hr][hr][/h1]Collab Between [@beyond visions][@Deserted] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHCrWSnrIcg]Zack Hemsey- Graven Image[/url][hr][h3][I]Slavers on the Edge[/I][/h3][hr][hr] [/center][indent]Emmett cracked. His mind was already wracked by the withdraw, now his head grew hot. It was as if his heart clawed through the chest with every accelerated beat. Was his ears even digesting Rook's words properly? Perhaps not, no, he dwelt enraged by witnessing the cooperation his uncle gave the supposed cage-builders. But Emmett did not stand his position, instead he leaped in a sudden tackle against his uncle. To others well aware of what happened the past night understand the bond Emmett tied with the Desert Flower, the boy went mad. Emmett grappled his fingers around Rook's neck, yet he did not choke the man but instead shook him vigorously, [color=1E90FF]"Slavers killed my father! You know that."[/color] Though he cried behind gritted teeth, he boomed with loud volume. It was what Emmett was always told as a child in order to ward off the bad rumors. [color=1E90FF]"Or maybe your lying to me. What if... What if you killed him!"[/color] The consequences or punishment for Emmett's feat have no occurrence to him at the moment, his mind did think far enough for it. If a beating followed afterwards, he take it though reluctantly. Did Emmett have an end goal? No, this was moreover a matter of expression, it almost felt like a right to rampage, like an instinct. Would the others spare him sympathy, Emmett was mortified by the sight he had seen. He went from shaking up his uncle to jamming an elbow against his throat, [color=1E90FF]"You work with Dry Bones?"[/color] Yes, that was how Emmett saw it, not cage-builders, no those men could very well been slavers in Emmett's eyes. [color=1E90FF]"I never knew my father, but if you sold him, you’re probably going to throw us in too. Next what? Go home, tell my mother that slavers took me too, then turn around and round up another [i]expedition[/I]."[/color] Even in his anger, Emmett went not for his daggers. He had no plan to kill his uncle, well not with blades that was. Having his enemy in his very hands, showed a very bloodthirsty side of Emmett. Well, maybe not bloodthirsty rather than broken and vengeful. Strange, for Emmett to fight for a man he never met against to one he grew the closest to. Yet to put so much trust into his uncle and to feel as if that trust had been betrayed hurt. But Rook did not strike back once, not that Emmett gave him any mercy but continued in his sheer rage. As for his surroundings, it was no surprise that Emmett gave no attention to anything around him. He was completely open and occupied on one person, and one person only. [color=1E90FF]"How's this for proving myself? Am I [I]man[/I] enough yet?"[/color] Rook almost avoided the onslaught, he saw it coming, but it wasn’t enough. He was now at the mercy of his nephew. [color=#a49cd3]“People believe what they want to believe, Emmett.”[/color] sheer guile prevented his voice from squealing or distorting under the constraint. [color=#a49cd3]“The truth doesn’t mean as much to people as they insist it does. They just keep believing the same thing as when they started, no matter what facts they encounter. They either twist it to reinforce their beliefs, or they outright ignore it because it doesn’t fit their preconception.”[/color] For a moment, it was evident to all around, the rumors and the stark silence to alleviating the mysteries of who Rook really was. He didn’t keep the secrets because he liked the control, nor did he even create the secrets. Something in his past made him build a wall of protection around himself, probably for survival. It prevented him from caring about lies and misinformation by simply through apathy... and it drove people crazy trying to get to the bottom of it. HE was at the bottom of it, and he was doing nothing (either from wisdom or exhaustion) to swim to the surface. [color=#a49cd3]“Tell me, Pup, do you believe I’m a slaver? Do you believe that I could somehow make myself sell or kill your father? Do you believe that I could make myself sell or kill these people here now? Because they are no different than my other expeditions.”[/color] It was confusing and amiss for Emmett, from family members everywhere it was well known that Emmett Sr. and Rook were incredibly close. It was believed that should anybody want vengeance come upon them, all they had to do was wrong one of the brothers and the other would come with Hell fire. It was a relationship that made Emmett’s mother a little jealous. Besides, Emmett Sr. went east while Rook went north. They were separated by hundreds of miles of the most unforgiving landscape this world had ever known. Furthermore, Rook returned with two witnesses, who had claim to gold after locating one of the Shadow Minion’s towers. It should have been one of Rook’s triumphant moments since it made people have to rewrite maps, change history books, and squabble over purchasing the antiquities that he brought back. The family chose to believe that he and the two that went with him had told the truth. The coincidence of timing made the ill informed believe Rook to have murdered his own brother. The rumors were a festering field of accusations, and though the location did make the map, there was no actual evidence that Rook could not have discovered it earlier and simply kept it hidden until he had dealt with his brother. The conspiracy and the accusations abounded and gnawed on everyone who was close to it as the constant grating of wind-blown sand. There was no stopping for Emmett, words came out blurred behind the continually pressure he caved onto his uncle. He had to be stopped since the boy grew stubborn with all Rook bore to say. There was no giving up for Emmett, not unless forced. [/indent]