"Well, I was hoping we have a scribe of some kind here that can write things down for us. We have a library, and I remember there being an npc that sold some basic book binding materials. I'm sure he has better and faster handwriting than us." If skills had transferred to this world for all npc's then that librarian would surely have some kind of scribe skills as well. "So it will be more dictating than writing I think." Sanguine led the way to the other side of the great hall, where the library was. It wasn't huge unlike some other rooms, as none of the guild members had those professions in the game. So the room had never been upgraded. Still, there was basically a book about everything and anything from Yggdrasil there. From history, to folk tales, to important people, to even class manuals and the like. And there was still room to spare. Which would be needed considering all the books this other world might have. And as expected, there stood what looked like a normal human in his forty's, apart from some silvery scales on his body here and there. The man was in fact, a silver dragon. Only he had used an alteration spell to take on human form. He was searching through one of the book shelves, looking rather busy. Though as soon as the two stepped inside he stopped, turned to them and bowed. "Lady Sanguine, Sir Oliver. You honour me with your presence. What can I help you with today?" The man spoke before standing straight again. "We've gathered information on this new world we're in--" Sanguine started, though was quickly interrupted. "Ah yes this new world! It's strange, I can't even find a name on it in any of the books. I've looked through over a hundred about powerful magic and different lands, but can't find any information. Is there even a magic we know of that could do this? Or perhaps divine intervention? Or--" The man was clearly rambling now. Plus it was a bit rude to interrupt her. "Focus!" Sanguine spoke, sounding a bit annoyed. "For the time being how we got here isn't as important as getting information about this world." The man quickly made a small bow again. "My apologies, my lady... Please continue." "We've gone to the nearby village and have come back with information that needs to be written down." She stated plainly, trying to keep it short before he started rambling again. "Good, good!" The man spoke. "Please come this way, I'll get some empty paper and a pen. Please leave the writing to me." As expected, this man would act as their scribe. Which made the task quite a bit easier. At least for her and Oliver. ((Library: http://pre02.deviantart.net/2412/th/pre/i/2015/280/0/2/library_by_vincentee-d9c8wb2.jpg ))