[hider=Lucrecia] [center][URL=http://s44.photobucket.com/user/charmainebotfield-clarke/media/elf_zpsqy16xmas.jpg.html][IMG]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f23/charmainebotfield-clarke/elf_zpsqy16xmas.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: Lucrecia Nickname/other name known by: Princess of the elves. ( Warrior Princess) Age: ??? but looks the age of 21 Gender: Female Relationship Status: Widowed Race/Species: Elf Personality: Lucrecia has all the graces of what a elf should. However due to her tragic past, she has learnt to not be so trusting of outsiders. Lucrecia is not one to hold back and bite her tongue. Lucrecia is very blunt and says exactly what is on her mind, Even though her personality can be quite harsh and somewhat fearsome to some underneath it all she has a goodheart. Strengths: Lucrecia has trained since she was young. which has given her a edge in her,physical and mental attributes. Lucrecia has enhanced reflexes due to her training and perserverance. she has learnt to train in all the five senses and even beyond. Lucrecia saw that if she was ever to become queen of the elves someday then she would need to be strong for her people. Weaknesses: Even though Lucrecia is a strong and able woman she is also vunerable underneath it all and tools such as her late husband and other tragedies in her past could be used as a aid to hurt her emotionally and mentally. Lucreica is already feeling the burden of her scars that she carries deep within her heart so for her heart to betray her then it would be a real powerful weapon against her. What does your character like/Hate the most: Lucrecia loves her people the most and she feels the need to protect them seeing as she is their princess. Lucrecia also likes people to be truthful to her, if you lie to her or she finds you have not been honest with her then she will lose the respect she has for you and she will no longer trust you. Skills; Good tracker skills - Thanks to her upbringing and her warrior instincts she has learnt to be a good tracker she can even make herself appear as though she has not there in terms of her following a person scent. She could walk on a piece of glass and she would not be heard. Weapon/Items: Long sword - It is made by the finest elven blacksmiths. It glows when there is orcs and other unholy beasts around alerting to their presence. Elven bow and arrows. She carries a pendant around her neck which contains a vial of elven spring water that can heal any wound. She carries an enchanted pouch which can hold many things inside. Powers/Abilities: HeaLing - Lucrecia is new to her healing ability and has not fully mastered it yet but she is is getting better. Chi Energy - Lucrecia can create, shape and manipulate Chi. she is still learning to harness her inner natural energy, Giving her enhanced reflexes and agility, in terms of speed and strength. History/Biography: Lucrecia is a eleven princess she has a sad and tragic past which has molded her in the person you see in the present. Some would say she has closed her heart but others would disagree and say she is just enduring her pain and will one day rule the elves with a good heart and intolerance to injustice. Lucrecia lives near the east mountains just off the edge of the enchanted forest. The enchanted forest is her playground in terms of her tracking and developing her skills, you will often see her hunting and training herself to be even stronger person. Her enemy is the evil queen for how she treats humans and beasts and would nothing more than to be a uprising to finally bring down the evil queen and her army. Lucrecia is currently setting out on a mission to save her friends the Grimm brother from the evil queen but she going to need support along the way Other Information: ( more will be added here once the roleplay progresses.[/center][/hider]