Pure sparing. [@Divinity] Although I have not taken it upon myself to formally write my own profile yet, to make it fare, You are not required to remake your characters at all. You simply can't have them march around wearing an Ass-hat and still participate in the duel. Use any of your characters, developed or not, and coherently express their competency and the reasons in the profile sheets I have prepared. ~ If you feel I have forced you to make your character conform. please express any conflicts of interest in your character, technique or world preference. You skipped a day of considering that topic. So we went with: - NO being an elf [for good reasons] & no Draconians or [u]Warcraft [/u]Orcs in the world. - Meanwhile you can't hold 'excaliber'[[i]epic items[/i]*] nor have a [i]god's peculiar favor[/i].~ Pure Sparing ~ with no ass-hats (mary sue - God modding); Which was specified in the First Comments I made. what confused you? :S :P Pending an agreement to [color=f7941d]t[color=a0410d]he[/color] C[color=a36209]od[/color]e - it has been edited briefly in vblue[/color] [color=f7941d][b]This Challenge is still [color=f26522]open to 1 more person[/color], and [color=fff200]The other challengers, [/color][color=a36209]two [/color]if not [color=a36209]three[/color] of [color=a0410d]the other challengers are pending acceptance. [/color][/b][/color] if you missed it. you should re-read, as all my content was relatively importantly, I half-heartedly covered LeeRoy's suggestion to discuss necessary times between posts; [b]"Combat will be turn based. Written in real time, and posted as edited submissions afterwards, by both parties."[/b]