Julia smiled genuinely as Lynx introduced herself. [color=ed1c24]"That's cool! So does your name mean you're a wildcat fighter?"[/color] Julia inquired of the younger girl. They walked slowly towards the middle of the room and Julia looked the girl over. Not in a creepy dude way, but assessing her weaknesses. From what she could tell this girl was maybe a little green in the gills, but she was also talented in air magic, so Julia would need to watch for that. This girl was a fighter and probably a good one. Julia needed to find her weakness and quick. Julia knew her weakness and would rather die than tell anyone that her left ankle was slightly unbalanced. Julia pulled into her fighting stance; she wouldn't go until the professor said so but it was always nice to get ready. Her feet were shoulder width apart, fists up ready to go, and slightly on the ball of her heels. She gave a light smile to the girl and a small nod. She let out a breath and waited.