Footsteps encroached on the territory of these housed prisoners as the sound of bouncing chain-mail filled the corridor. As the source of the noise came into view for our prisoners, a woman could be seen. The elf was being ushered down the dingy hall by two guards. The woman hardly struggled as she surveyed the inmates locked inside cells. The rot of the prison and the decay of its occupants seemed all too familiar for her. Without much care the guards forcefully pushed her into a cell at the end of the corridor. The scene was made all the more eerie by the lack of speaking. Neither the guards or the woman made a sound. It was as if this moment occurred ad infinitum; a different means of entering this hellish place, but only ever the one way of leaving it. The guards made their way back down the corridor about as quietly as they had come through it. Their clanging metal hissed for a few moments before fading into the distance as they turned down another corridor. With the guards gone the other prisoners could here shuffling in the same room that the woman had just been thrown into. Suddenly, there was a jangling sound- no doubt keys. The echo of the keys could hardly compete with the clanging of the mining, but it was present enough to call the other inmates to attention. Following the jangle was a small clicking sound, and finally the sound of an opening door. Cracking her neck the elven woman stepped out. The dimly lit corridor did little to show her features, but she was rather petite. Her slender frame was masked by the heavy and ragged green garments assigned to all prisoners in the mines. Her medium length golden, almost white hair, was disheveled. Her shorter height immediately revealed her wood elven lineage.