Gloriously so. On a slightly related note, I should explain the clothing habits of the Callahan family, because whomever shows up first is gonna get a funny surprise. Recent interactions have allowed me to make this decision, primarily because I think it's potential for hilarity is just great. The Callahans are, to an extent, naturists. For those unfamiliar with it, it can be used interchangeably with nudist. They have a set of rules, decided around the time that Sophia and Madeline moved in. 1. During the week, privates are to be kept private. 2. On the weekend, clothes are optional. Standard hygiene requirements must be met. 2a. When going outside, but remaining on the property, you must wear at least as much as you would to the beach 2b. When visitors are over, minimum clothing requirements will vary depending on how close they are to the family and how friendly they are to the lifestyle. Each member of the Callahan family takes advantage of this differently. As has probably been demonstrated, Sophia prefers to wear as little as possible when at home. Currently, she will be wearing pants, because her uncle's "punishment" is still going to apply. However, that will be all, because she feels comfortable, she's lazy, and protesting her own punishment. Madeline, her mother, tends to base her clothing habits on a day-to-day basis. Currently she'll be in a bra and panties. Joseph, her uncle, is much like his sister. However, he will not be home for the duration of this. Kailey, her aunt, actually takes after her niece in this regard, though she does it for very different reasons that probably won't be relevant to the story. Whomever shows up first will get a lovely view of her naked in the doorway, after that she'll be in a pair of sweatpants and a bra. So, have fun with that :)