[center][b][h2][color=ed1c24]S[/color][color=f7941d]a[/color][color=fff200]y[/color][color=39b54a]a[/color][color=0072bc]t[/color][color=662d91]a[/color][color=ed145b]c[/color][color=ed1c24]h[/color][color=f7941d]h[/color][color=fff200]i[/color] [color=ed1c24]N[/color][color=f7941d]i[/color][color=fff200]j[/color][color=39b54a]i[/color][color=0072bc]k[/color][color=662d91]o[/color][/h2][/b] [@Leslie Hall][@hatakekuro][/center] "[color=crimson][i]I'm afraid I can't allow you to pay for me, not this time.[/i][/color]" replies Rosalina with a soft smile. Rainbow Majesty couldn't help but to simply smile back at the response. [b]"Then let us be off, shall we?"[/b] the flamboyant Saya responds questioningly as they head towards the elevator down the hall. As she walks briskly down the hall, her speed was matched by Rosa's as she walks beside her. Even in her high heels, Saya's brisk walking was pretty fast for one that wears heels on a regular basis. While she can be a bitch to anyone as she pleases, she also has a soft, almost motherly, like feel towards those whom she is fond of. Yes, she may look like a rich asshole or a narcissistical attention seeker at first, and while she can easily display these characteristics, if you happen to respect her, or be rather generous, then she'll be at the very least respectful towards you. Of course, this relates to those of the Magic Council or other guild members, and not much towards the regular folk that walk around town. In fact, she virtually has little to no interest in them, save for a few business CEOs or celebrities. Regardless, it was time to follow Rosalina to what she has in mind to eat. [hr] They've walked only several blocks through the city of Crocus, and yet the whole streets were packed. Was it due to the GMG? Or simply weekend shopping? Regardless, there was simply a lot of people. Sayatachi could even see a few turn their heads towards her direction, usually looking at the flamboyant, rainbow-colored, hair style. No doubt would they recognize her to be one of the new Magic Council members. If not, perhaps they thought they were looking at a goddess... or a really good cosplayer. Whatever they thought, she didn't care much. Today, she was simply going to accompany Rosalina as a good friend, and maybe later head back to her quarters or to get to know the rest of the Magic Council members. "[color=crimson][i]So many people,[/i][/color]" Rosalina spoke with a hushed tone, her eyes darting to various faces in the crowds. [b]"Indeed."[/b] replies Sayatachi with a nod while scanning across the vast sea of people, [b]"It can't be due to the GMG... otherwise they'd be all over there instead of here."[/b] "[color=crimson][i]Today should be mostly quiet without too many incidents. The guilds are resting and preparing for the final day of fights, after all. Oh look, here we are.[/i][/color]" As the two turned a quarter, they happen to reach a small quaint cafe tucked away among the bustling city. Sayatachi always liked little cafes. They were always pleasant and cozy inside, with some nice music playing on the stage. And unlike say a tavern, there's usually no obnoxious fights to get disturbed by. The people here are just civilized people wanting to kick back and relax, not wanting to cause any trouble. [b]"Ah,"[/b] she sighs as she looks at the cafe, [b]"A nice little cafe. Have to say it actually looks very nice, hadn't seen this place before. I wonder if they sell my favorite tea flav~"[/b] But before she can finish, two Rune Knights were violently thrown out of the cafe and onto the streets. Clearly a scuffle was going about inside, but for what and why? Couldn't be due to alcohol, it's only severed in taverns and bars as far as she knew. As she observes the situation, she then sees the person who threw the two out, knocking one of the knights out cold. It was the guy she "flirted" at the GMG several days ago, Nolan Waltz. Was he causing trouble inside? She couldn't tell for sure. "[color=crimson][i]Forgive me, Lady Nijiko. It appears that our plans will need to be put on hold for now.[/i][/color]" Rosalina apologizes as she heads to defuse the situation. Saya simply nodded and waved her hand slightly in excuse as she watches from near a corner. As she watches carefully, she can happen to point out that the Knights must have caused something to stir from within. Whatever that might be, it clearly had to do with something stupid. Saya then remembers being in a fancy bar once with a few friends several years ago. She and her friends were simply gossiping about life, when suddenly a drunken guard tried to grope her breasts. While he succeeded in doing so, the next thing he felt was a solid kick to the face and a sharp pain in the gut. His friends dragged him outside and were never seen from her again. She could've used some of her magic on them, but she usually refrains from her magic in such situations, only using it when absolutely necessary. She then sees the downed knight being dragged away by his friend as Rosalina was left with Nolan. Then she starts talking at him pretty aggressively, which then brings up some confusion towards the Rainbow Majesty. She gets a little closer, wanting to get an idea on what was going on. However, Rosalina turned around and signaled her to come and sit down with the two. Looks like they'll be heaving brunch after all, with an "old" friend too. As she walks towards them slowly, she happens to hear some of their conversation. Saya then sees a waitress walk towards them, shuttering a little bit as she did. [i]"T-thank you for rescuing me earlier Mr. Waltz...Re-really, thank you so much."[/i] she thanks Nolan. [color=00746b][i]"You don't need to thank me. If it happens again make sure to contact Phoenix Wing. I'll be more than happy to rough them up a bit."[/i][/color] He turned his glance away from the waitress who smiled at him before taking their order. When she left, Nolan rested his arms on the table and leaned forward. [color=00746b][i]"Those two knights of yours were harassing that waitress. Sexual harrassment, assault, and who knows else before I came here. From what I could tell from what they said, this isn't the first time."[/i][/color] Aha. So it was as she predicted. Sexual harassment coming from the two guards upon the defenseless waitress. Just like when she got harassed several years before. It was also on that day when Sayatachi's view of the guards had begun to change. She has seen their other behaviors as well... very few of them being admirable... the rest being simply like spoiled pigs... The waitress had brought them their coffee and placed it down in front of the three of them. Nolan poured some milk into his cup and took a sip. [color=00746b][i]"I told them to leave or face the consequences. Nutless threw the first punch. So tell me, are you going to make me take the fall so your recruits don't think you're a backstabber or are you going to let me go?"[/i][/color] [b]"Not so fast, Mr. Waltz."[/b] she replies as she walks up into view, [b]"Come and sit with us for awhile."[/b] He glanced up at Sayatachi and glared at her the instant he saw her face. [color=00746b][i]"Sorry, but I refuse to talk to Ms. Bad Touch over there. After the crap she pulled on me a couple days ago, I'd sooner trust the devil than her."[/i][/color] [b]"Tsk tsk, that's not how you talk to a lady,"[/b] Saya replies while keeping it cool, [b]"Let alone a Magic Council member. Besides, that was just merely an accident. It was very crowded in there, you know? so I simply didn't have much room to go by with."[/b] If what she did back then was to be revealed, it can ruin her entire picture. Besides, even if he tried, Saya can easily shut him up anyways. He issues a quick glance at him while Rosa's head was turned, basically saying "Say it and I'll kill you."