[sub][@Blue Demon] - A partner for Drago[/sub] John wandered into class several minutes later than he anticipated. His second class. He had overslept so much that he completely missed the first one, and had to get ready to do things in the space of ten minutes. As such, he wasn't quite in as good of condition as he normally would be. His coat was wrinkled something awful, he hadn't managed to get his coffee yet, and breakfast would have to be skipped in favor of lunch. But he'd be damned if he ever forgot to keep his hygiene anything short of completely immaculate. Or if he ever forgot his hat. [color=f7941d]"Hey. Sorry I'm late,"[/color] he said as he eyed the class. It seemed that everybody there had split into two sides, and students were seemingly trying to pair up somehow. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but it seemed like it might be entertaining to watch, if not necessarily participate in. [color=f7941d]"...What'd I miss?"[/color]