[b]Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday[/b] As the shadows transformed to make up a pair of enemies, there was little left for the group to do - as before, no matter what they said or did, it seemed as if the shadow would find some way to coax the words out of their other half. Such was the case with Masahide once again - though at least Kaminari had the wits to warn the real one to get aside, seeing as what was to come was likely not going to be something that one wanted to be in the midst of. In fact, Kotori felt much that way - but with a deep breath she steeled herself for the inevitable battle ahead, however it may pan out. Ayano immediately began to scan the shadow in an attempt to find their weaknesses; relaying much the same as Kaminari said: To keep one's distance and hold out for the time being. [color=green]"Ah, y-yes."[/color] Kotori was only too glad to follow the advice as everyone engaged in their respective last second preparations. As Kaminari cast a familiar shielding spell to envelope himself in a defensive layer that would hopefully allow him to withstand any attacks a little better, Kotori unfortunately had little to offer in the ways of helping the others or herself out. Furthermore, without knowing exactly what they were up against, she was afraid to just cast offensive spells with abandon at either shadow in case that was just what it wanted. Instead, Kotori tried to keep behind Kaminari, who put himself between the party and the shadows; hoping that it would give her enough time to react should either shadow go for her whilst she prepared both Kikuri-Hime and herself to cast any healing spells should they be necessary - though she'd much rather they wouldn't be.