The Thangors escorted the Queen to meet these new arrivals. Tall and strong, with well forged arms and armor, the Thangors had always been protective over their Kashar allies. Kane the Drabarian walked in long and slow strides, as if he was some great beast to be admired instead of a humanoid simply walking. One hundred Thangor warriors, and both Gerti and the High Thane's heir Arden walked at the fore. They halted before these new strangers and took their measure as they spoke. Kane and the two Thangor leaders took it upon themselves to stand beside the Queen just as the Lizardman had begun speaking of economics. "Welcome friends." Arden said. "Seems odd fate you saw fit to visit the fine land of Kashar bearing gifts just as we did." "Indeed." Gerti said, the auburn haired warrior woman tilting her head as she regarded these new visitors. Behind them both, the Warriors of Thangoradrim stood vigil and wary, though their weapons were sheathed. "You needn't worry on their metal working." Arden said. "We've come to help them on that account. But, I will say that if you've truly come in friendship, then you are our friends as well. I say, let us drink and be merry! Matters of politics can be better discussed over some fine Ale, I say." [@Lauder][@Natsucooldude]