Peyton took a step back from Sophia and squared her shoulders. Sophia was a dark affinity. She herself was a fire affinity. She glanced over her shoulder at her pack, sitting securely on the bleachers. Her egg was nestled safely inside. She looked back at Sophia and wondered about her strategy. [color=f7976a]"You ready?"[/color] She asked, half smiling. She held her right hand open at her side, palm out. In her palm, the light orange glow of a fire starter to burn. It was a small fire, meant to aim at the ground around Sophia's feet. [i]Distract.[/i] She let the fireball fly and created a bright, burning circle around Sophia's feet. As she looked down at the fire Peyton took that as an advantage and lunged forward, trying to sweep Sophia off her feet with her left leg. [i]Attack.[/i] [@DisguisedDemon]