[URL=http://s44.photobucket.com/user/charmainebotfield-clarke/media/dark%20fairytale1_zpsk20znm4g.png.html][IMG]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f23/charmainebotfield-clarke/dark%20fairytale1_zpsk20znm4g.png[/IMG][/URL] [center]"Once upon a time in a faraway land, two brothers wrote about the dark fairyland." [i]The lands knew them as the Grimm brothers. They were called the wanderers. A given name by the people of the lands because they walked the realms. In their possession they carried the book of untold stories as they came to fondly called it. The book itself was magic and was a gift from one of the most powerful sorcerer's, in existence. The contents they wrote acted like a diary or a collection of memoirs of each living resident, beast or the unknown that dwells in the lands and their secrets. The Grimm's were harmless and what they wrote influenced the events that became stories of legend but others however thought of them as dangerous. An evil plot was in the working.. The evil queen was no exception. One of the most feared sorceress of all the realms. Manipulative and vain her dark blackened heart knew no bounds. The strictness of orders she sent her guards to hunt down the two Grimm brothers and bring them back to her kingdom. It didn't take long for the Grimm's to be caught. The Grimm's wasn't stupid and knew the evil queen was really after their book, so with a saddened heart they tossed the book down the well of wishes and wished for the book to go to the one place where magic didn't exist, The human world. When the evil queen learned of this, a dark curse was activated and it bled into each of the realms. If the book wasn't returned to her then she will kill an innocent every day and do this in each of the realms until it is returned.[/i][/center] A clanging noise and the sound of footsteps could be heard. The outline of a woman could be seen, The Grimm brother's vision knew who it was even if their vision was hazy. The lack of food and water was taking a toll on them, weakening them. They had been locked up now for a month but to them it may as well had been longer. They could hear the door to their cell opening and there she was. The evil queen. The evil queen stood over them a bored expression was etched on her face as She placed a plate of food at the foot of their feet. " Are you finding your room comfortable.? I hope it's up to your satisfactory. After all I wouldn't want people to think the evil queen was treating the famous two with ill will. " The evil queen spoke with a sarcastic tone. The Grimm brothers did not reply they was not going to give her the satisfaction. They would hold out,the entire realms depended upon it "I'm going to ask you one last time before my patience really does wear thin, I've tried to be nice, gave you food and drink, now tell me who has the book. " The evil queens tone now even more darkened. One of the Grimm brothers started to chuckle clearly not afraid, " We already told you, It's gone to a place where magic does not exist." " You will never find it, keep searching high and low, Only he will have the power to stop you and we pray for that day. " He then started to cough, His throat dry and painful. The evil queen didn't show it but what he said unnerved her a bit. ~ Who would stop her?, Who was he?. ~ The evil queen walked to the end of the cell about to leave. She stopped and gave a final glance, "Stay here and rot, I will never be defeated. " And with a loud clang the cell door closed.The evil queen summoned one of her guards, "I'm due taxes, go send some of your best men and collect from the lower towns. If they refuse, you know what to do." She ordered, her face without emotion. " Yes, my queen, " he bowed and with that the guard left. The evil queen watched the guard leave and then she turned down the corridor and went up the a spiral staircase. She continued on to she reached her quarters. She went over to her bookcase and then pulled out a book. The moment she did a passageway was revealed. She entered the room and there in the middle was a very large oval mirror.The queen walked to it and gazed at it longingly. [center][i]" Mirror, Mirror, on the wall. Who is the most powerful of all." [/i] The mirror glowed at the command and replied, [i]" Even though your are powerful my queen, In powers so bright, " There is one more still, who is more powerful in might. " [/i][/center] The queen gasped in horror at the mirrors words. she took a seat on her throne and pondered for what seemed ages. She them stood up, A dark look upon her face.[i] It couldn't... be the one who they spoke of...[/i]" " I must find him and then the book will be mine." The evil queen said. a plan already forming in her mind. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lucrecia was at the edge of the enchanted forest. She took a sip of her drink and then glanced around. This time she would be on a longer journey, the evil queen had to be stopped. The world was getting darker, The orcs were terrorizing villages according to the reports Some elves were dispatched to the outer edges and where disturbances had occured. Lucrecia put away her drink and then carried on walking.