[@dragonmancer] [i]Out from a tent fifteen yards away emerged a lanky black dude, hiking up his belt after having apparently taken a shit. Judging by his armor, he wasn't strictly a soldier. His gear was different, more haphazard. Several skulls hung from his waist like demented Christmas ornaments, and the two weapons on his back were like the .44 Magnums of battleaxes. Each one was excessively, needlessly large. A mercenary perhaps? He stood up and looked around in confusion, seeing dead soldiers and shit everywhere. That, and a dracomorph. Zande Khanda cupped both hands around his both and yelled angrily at Sigurd. He had a heavy islander accent.[/i] [b][color=fff200]"Ey bwana! Whatchu tink ya doin', wiff all da keelin'!? Ya dun' kill't da cap'n! Now how I ganna get muh rum moneh!?"[/color][/b]