[center][color=ed1c24]Little Red[/color] and [color=2e3192]Damien[/color][/center] A sharp intake of breath and a small sigh came from a nearby tree. Red watched as the dragon and the man now conversed quietly. Damien was in a tree not too far away, but was motioning for her to follow him. The young woman wasn't sure she needed, or wanted, to stay, but if the new comer to the scene was in danger, she would be obligated to do something. However, she had never fought a dracomorph before and, though she knew of them, she had no desire to learn more up close. Jumping stealthily towards Damien's tree, she started to follow his lead. There was a rumor that there might be a magic strong enough to fizzle out his curse, or to at least help him control his urges and give him power of the wolf inside. [color=ed1c24]"Hopefully we find a place to hide you soon,"[/color] Red breathed quietly, knowing Damien's ears picked up on it, [color=ed1c24]"The full moon is two days from now."[/color] With inhuman speed and agility, Damien moved so he was closer to Red for her hearing to catch his low voice, [color=2e3192]"I know, my love. I can feel the darker instincts coursing through my veins."[/color] With a small snarl, he started to leap faster, knowing Red could keep up. They didn't have the time to dilly-daddle through the forest and quite frankly, he didn't want a repeat of the last full moon. With a shaking breath, he glanced back at his love with a tinge of regret. If only he hadn't taken her out into the woods that night, he wouldn't be this monster.