Leopold just laughed and a cold stare went towards Lenora. " You have no choice Princess, since the seal of my family can never vanish from my prizes. I killed some of them off because they where disobedient or they wanted to die then rather stay by my side for an eternity, but you are much more precious then any other prizes I had in my life. Your my most greatest catch for this year and you can never step foot out of my world with the symbol in the open sight, since it will torture you for the rest of your life in your world. You will always be crawling back into my world and the symbol will never let you kill yourself or die until I disown my prize." he said to Lenora even though anger was running though his mind, but he just ignored and smirked evilly. Inori just remained calm since he knew that it would be disrespect if he took anybodies side in this argument between the princess. Leopold, and Thwack his tails swayed.