[center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/16d0aa35dc5e131970ac104d077be647/tumblr_na530yzIhu1rix2dqo2_250.gif[/img][/center] [h3][right]Crowded City Streets New York, United States; 7.24 a.m.;[/right] [/h3] The Winter Soldier's contacts,[i] correction,[/i] Strucker's contacts, weren't particularly well informed. No recent sightings of Fury could be confirmed, some vague movements, erratic and hard to follow were all he had to go on, but Winter Soldier was an expert hunter, an expert assassin. Fury may be a SHIELD super spy, but even spy's could be rooted out like badgers from a badger hole. Bucky blended into the early morning crowds, bustling to their appointments and workplaces. Assassins and spys were experts of disguise and there was no better way to disguise oneself than to walk within a huge crowd. Bucky's gaze flicked across the crowd, head down, he moved quickly, quietly, eyes and ears peeled. Fury appeared, moving like a fish in the massive school of other fishes around them. Cutting through the hustle and bustle. Bucky kept his eyes on the super spy as they drifted closer and closer, Fury wary of all, but unaware of how close he was stepping to the man who would shortly assassinate him. Bucky allowed his shoulder to bump Fury's, Nick catching a glimpse of a shadow beside him, head turned to the side so the Winter Soldier's features were concealed. [i]"смерть наступает для вас"[/i] Fury's head snapped around to catch the stranger but the space beside him was vacant, the assassin had vanished. His eerie warning buzzing around Fury's head. Nick flipped open his phone and sent a high priority message, doing a 180 degree turn, abandoning his earlier destination to find somewhere safe. Bucky melted back into the shadows watching Fury from a distance. He donned his tactical armour and muzzle-like mask. He checked the safety on his side arm and let his fingers brush across the hilt of his trusty combat knife, watching Fury weave a different path in the opposite direction. The Winter Soldier had Fury on the run, or at the very least, trying to cover his tracks so he wouldn't be followed, but it was too late now, Bucky was on his trail and it would end with one of them dead, and it would not be the Winter Soldier. Panic made men vulnerable, and Bucky would wear Fury down so there would be no mistakes. Fury was no simple target though, it would take more than one subtle threat to strike fear and terror into Fury's heart but the chase had now begun and Bucky was the hunter, not the hunted. [center][img]https://qph.is.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9539a8fdf97ab15b098f671ea43d7467?convert_to_webp=true[/img][/center] [right] [h3][right]A Cargo Ship in the Atlantic Ocean; Bound for Europe;[/right] [/h3] [/right] Tarene greatly disliked sea-travel ... the Midgardian ships were crude enough to actually float on water, not [i]fly[/i] as Asgardian ships had done. The sea was rough too and although she didn't get sea-sick, she did find the sensation of the ground beneath her wobbling like jelly deeply unsettling. Several hours later she landed in a Welsh port and disembarked. This place was not at all like New York City, the only part of Midgard she'd actually come to know and grow somewhat accustomed to. It was much greener, the people spoke with a strange new accent and the buildings weren't anywhere near as high, fewer people and considerably less crowded streets. This would be her new beginning and it was considerably less interesting than New York, but perhaps she'd not be caught out here ... SHIELD was probably still pursuing her after her attacks in New York. Once the bigger threats were taken care of, surely they'd hunt her down as well. SHe had to make sure she had thoroughly vanished by the time they came sniffing around for her.