Trapp felt himself sink into the leather chair of the cockpit as he watched the console cycle through various systems. Most of the systems and designations were familiar to his eyes as most UEE pilots had to spend as much time analyzing Coalition schematics as they did their own machines, but others stood out to him specifically something called the Aegis System. From quick observation it seemed to be some sort of shield system but the power draw was high above normal levels. The commander pushed his questions aside realizing his lack of time as he needed to move and quickly. As he began to attempt familiarize himself with the controls that seemed foreign he felt something whirr inside the chair and moments later a sharp pain in the base of his necks. He cursed up and down and sideways as he reached behind him and felt a large apparatus attached to some sort of needle now embed into his body. Suddenly the screen began to be filled with biometric data as machine begin to supplement man: breathing rate, heart rate and neurological activity all being recorded and observed. More importantly the neurolink besides taking in data, it was pushing it back out giving Trapp the most abrupt crash course on an MAS he had ever experienced. He had heard rumors about the upgraded Coalition neurolinks, whispers coming down from the upper brass of how C-MAD was able to produce so many pilots in so little time. The whispers didn't prepare him for the reality of it as suddenly it felt like the MAS had become a part of him, as if he had been piloting the thing his whole life. His hands began to move almost automatically as they cycled through various commands on the console and the array of flashing buttons that seemed to dance in his vision. Finishing the start up sequence he pressed a final command to begin the launch. A series of claxons began to sound and there was a hiss as the heavy cables attached to the back of the suit detached and following that the heavy clamps holding the MAS in place detached and fell to the ground the sound of steel hitting steel muffled by the chaos. His hands found their way to the controls and he moved the Yggdrasil into the center of the testing area. It felt quicker in his hands than he expected of a MAS. As he stood at the center the platform slowly began to rise towards the surface as the large circular dome above began to open. Trapp could only prepare himself for the inevitable chaos above as the dull roar of battle began to grow louder and louder. The platform began to come to a halt gears grinding as the dome finished opening. As he came back out into the outside world in what seemed to have been years the first thing that he saw was luckily for him one that was familiar to him. The small harsh angular lines of a Shrike ready to destroy him at a moment’s notice. Despite the seriousness of the situation Trapp began to laugh to himself, the slow and tired laugh of a man unafraid to die. As he laughed a voice came over the open channel and spoke to him. [i]"Unidentified machine, identify yourself and state your intentions."[/i] [color=lightgreen]“Gallant. Weren't you ever taught not to draw a weapon on a superior officer? The Captain is going to have you peeling potatoes until you become an old man like me"[/color] Trapp quipped as he spoke into the comms as he looked about the battlefield seeing the rest of his team. This was better, he was back in his element. It was around that moment that the MAS’ sensors began to flare up as a large energy discharge was detected. He turned to see a Ferir half crushed underneath part of the crumbling base fire one last desperate attack from its P110 launching a high velocity plasma charge straight at McKnight's back.The commander acted first accelerating his MAS forward and dropping the Yggdrasil’s shoulder and essentially tackling the lighter Shrike sending it out of the blast radius. A second later the plasma slammed into the prototype. Trapp braced for the impact as well as he could, expecting to hear alarms as the shields failed but rather something else happened. From the outside, it would appear to be a brilliant display as plasma crashed into what seemed to be a large invisible barrier made out of many tiny hexagonal figures and that barrier remained strong as the bolt of plasma was dispersed harmlessly over it as the outline of the Aegis system began to vanish from sight. Looking down at the command console, to Trapp’s surprise and amazement the shield’s didn’t even seem to flinch when they got hit by a bolt that would shred through most normal UEE shields with one hit. Though the clatter of small arms fire pinging off of the Yggdrasil informed him that he could wonder what the hell he had just stolen later. [color=lightgreen]“Gallant, I’d hate to steal your thunder as such vallant operations usually end up with medals and estate dinners which I so thoroughly despise. So for this [b]one time only[/b]. What’s our orders kid?”[/color] Trapp spoke into the comms once more as he simultaneously pulled off from the Yggradisl’s back what appeared to be some sort of laser rifle and he fired at the downed mech that had shot at the Shriek a moment earlier, the concentrated beam slammed into the already weakened Fenrir piercing through its core and consuming what was left of it in the resulting explosion.