Oh look at that a wild application has appeared! [hr] [hider=Maisie Banisiter] [color=darkgray][center][img]http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/soldier_by_molybdenumgp03.jpg[/img] [h2]Maisie Banister [sub]The Rookie [/sub][/h2][/center][/color] [hr] [h3][b]Nickname: [/b][/h3] [color=darkgray]Newbie - for more than obvious reasons[/color] [h3][b]Age:[/b][/h3] [color=darkgray]20[/color] [h3][b]Gender:[/b][/h3] [color=darkgray]Female[/color] [h3][b]Rank:[/b][/h3] [color=darkgray]Private[/color] [h3]Psychological Analysis:[/h3] [color=darkgray][indent] From first outlooks one would question why Maisie had even joined the army, sometimes she doesn't know herself. As the daughter of Major General William H. Bannister, war is something that has been in the back of her mind since a very young age. All her mother seemed to do was talk about war with her father, worried that because of everything happening on the news that he would have to head out to help defend the UEE. Her father from a young age prepared her and her siblings for the eventuality of having to protect themselves, making sure that besides having normal schooling they were also trained both physically and mentality to survive. Yet for the longest time war was something of a game to her, war was this idea that made it so that when Dad told you to you had to go run and find the nearest thing towards you that looked like the best cover, you'll did it without thinking. And if he tapped you on the shoulder well you were dead, you picked wrong. She never figured that those games would end up becoming a reality in the end. Maisie is young and partly from a rather enclosed childhood where heaps of expectations were dropped upon her and out of her own desires to 'stand out' among her seemingly better siblings that seemed to do everything better than her the girl can be rash, foul-mouthed, impulsive, and temperamental which caused problems during her schooling and during the early days of her training until a drill sergeant saw to at least diverting those flames of fury towards something a little bit more productive. Her father taught her to stand up for herself and what she believed in and she has no problems in yelling back at even the most terrifying of figures if she believes in what they are saying happens to be wrong in the end. From equal parts genetics, her own boredom and her father's teaching Maisie has a clever mind about her and something of a wit to match it with survival instincts and peculiar sort of resourcefulness that have been ingrained into her at a young age Despite this Maisie is still young, She manages to maintain a particular innocence as she has yet to see the darkest sides of human nature and retains a palpable trust in people. There is still a definite line between black and white for her, good and evil and she truthfully believes that the UEE stands firmly on the good side of that line. She is excited about the world and about life in general. She dreams of seeing anything beyond Cerol, of actually getting to travel once in her life. And she has dreams of being a hero like everyone calls her father. But all those dreams have now been whisked away as the shadow of war now looms over her head.[/indent][/color] [h3]Military Record:[/h3] [color=darkgray][indent]Maisie Banister grew up on Cerol as the middle child of three children born to Major General William H. Bannister and his wife Lilla Banister. The Banister family resided inside a small house with a little bit of land just outside of the heavy urban sprawl which made up Leis, far enough away from the rumble of the city but close enough so that William could report to the military base as needed rather quickly. The house was a small humble affair two stories in make and having been standing since the first colonist settled on Cerol many years prior. She shared a room with her younger sister Emma, or as Maisie liked to describe her as the most annoying person to have ever lived in the history of the world. Besides having to endure her father's own particular brand of survival training since she was old enough to comprehend the words duck and cover, Maisie life was fairly standard for what it was, almost pleasant as some could describe it. Her father wanted the children to go to Cerol's Military Academy for young students one of the best in the UEE which produces top tier officers and other accomplished members of society serving the Emperor. Their mother insisted against it believing that the children deserved the chance to have a normal life and pick what they wanted to do with their future. In the end Lilla one of course and the children were enrolled in a private school not far from their own home. It was in school that Maisie ended up having the most trouble as it was there she came to realize how much she was lackluster in comparison to her siblings. Her older brother Jon was something of the school hero: star athlete, president of the student council, and beloved by everyone that seemed to meet him and then when Emma started going to school she never heard the end of how all her teachers called her gifted and how she scored top ranks in a whole score of screening tests and how she was destined to do great things with her mind. That of course left Maisie who was extraordinarily average in comparison to her 'perfect' siblings. She was good at sports but not as good as Jon, she was smart enough to pass her honors classes but no where near as smart as Emma and she didn't have much else to bring to the table in forms of skills and talents. So Maisie began to get into trouble and start to hang out with the wrong types of kids and do the wrong types of things. The first time her parents got called down to the Principals office due to the young girl having covered the girl's bathroom in some rather vulgar graffiti they were shocked and horrified. Yet the girl didn't seem to care, her parents anguish seemed to only fuel her on as she continued to act out against them. Her grades began to drop and on some days she wouldn't end up going to school at all. This pattern of reckless behavior would continue up until the incident. It was her junior year of high school and Maisie was in a car with several of her friends as they just came back from a big party. The driver of the car was drunk and crashed the vehicle headlong into a tree. The driver and the kid sitting in the passenger seat died upon impact and one more would die from their wounds in the hospital, and another had to have her arm amputated and replaced with a robotic replacement after it was pinned and crushed beneath the vehicle. Maisie and one another survived intact and without any serious injuries at least physically. That moment of shock was enough to bring an end to a lot of Maisie's reckless behavior mostly because of fear and guilt which caused her to become something of a recluse. It was her father that was able to bring her out of her rut and try and put her back on the right track of things. It wasn't his idea that when she graduated a year later that she would enlist, it was hers. She wanted a fresh start, she wanted to make something of herself, make it so that her parents were proud of her again. Due to her delinquent behavior none of the officer academics would of taken her but that was okay because she didn't want to be an officer anyway, her father hadn't he rose from private to general through hard work and persistence so she wouldn't need to either. The training was good for Maisie, it helped give her some order where she didn't have any and gave her some direction in life. From all accounts according to her superiors she was a star recruit already knowing half the material because of her father and the rest she seemed to pick up like it was second nature to her. Those two years seemed to fly and before she knew it she had gradated out of training and was being thrown into the 8118th Mechanized Infantry as they had taken some losses and needed fresh blood. They were supposed to ship out, she was supposed to finally be able to get away from Cerol but than the Coalition fleet appeared. [/indent][/color] [h3]Equipment:[/h3] [color=darkgray] [list] [*]STAKEN Battle Rifle [*]APP-3 Pistol [*]Combat Knife [*]4x Electron Grenades [/list] [/color] [/hider]