[@KatherinWinter][color=00aeef]"What, he actually expects that band of scared teenagers over here to give off any signs of psychological pattern simply because they were forced to make an arbitrary choice in their cooking partner? Sounds like Doc finally fell off his knocker"[/color] said Deus with a soft laugh. [color=00aeef]"I's not that he has anything new to learn from us two anyways. He knows what we know about each other, he knows what we know about him. And in that sense, I could not give a fuck less for what he is trying to get out of you and me- especially compared to my need to learn all about what I missed during my reunion with the Feds."[/color] He offered a fistbump, with a playful smile on his face. [color=00aeef]"So, what do you say, Shadowgirl? You and me, just like old times?"[/color]