Rocky gave a massive yawn as he sat just outside of the docking tube and watched people pass by. Despite the day just having started the Skälen was bored, not to mention tired from a night of moving cargo. His actions at the time had been unnecessary, as the machinery that the rest of the staff used for heavier items were more than capable of doing the job without him, however he helped all the same. It made him feel helpful, and the others appreciated his assistance. At least he thought that they did any way, he didn't really know as they barely spoke to him the entire time. Not that it really mattered at the moment. After having been assigned a morning shift for security inspection all that mattered to Rocky right now was making his presence known so that people submitted to the random searches while the true officers looked for contraband. Most folks went along with the process without a fuss, the ones that didn't want to comply were given the choice of being inspected by Rocky instead. That option had yet to be chosen. Rocky wasn't quite sure how he should have felt about being payed mostly just to sit there and look scary, mostly because Rocky didn't fully [i]realize[/i] that he was being paid to sit there and look scary. All he knew was that he was supposed to get people to do what they were told, and that he was [i]bored[/i]. There had been rumors floating around about another trip to Vazoon happening soon. Some had said it was to gather more samples, others claimed it was just to run some tests. In the end the reasons didn't matter to him; all that mattered is that he wanted in.