Mathias and Lila kept moving at a pace to keep ahead of the Pursuer. Its supernatural speed was curious as it was easily able to keep up despite the limping in its gait. Up ahead the light that Lila had mentioned grew in intensity as they closed the distance. It was raised into the air. Through cringing eyes Mathias could make out the outlines of people or more likely humanoid creatures. The unknown personage called down the tunnel. "Who goes there?" Mathias may well have called back but noticed a glinting reflection swinging out of the corner of his vision. The Pursuer's great axe swept through the air. Mathias spun, driving his shield quickly in place to block the attack. The sheer force behind it staggered him away several feet. That one's going to hurt later. The Pursuer started moving toward Lila. Mathias intercepted it with a challenging shout, trying to lock its attention. The strength of his voice was startling to many creatures that were capable of fearing. This one however seemed little more than inconvenienced that something was in its way toward easier prey. Now that Mathias was face to face with his assailant he could tell how large this fearsome creature was. In life he must have been a champion among the barbarian raiders from outside the walls. Maybe he led a group down here to try and find a way past them. The towering Pursuer raised its own warcry, a terrifying raspy shout that defied human limit. Taking the axe in both hands it swept down toward Mathias, eager to split him like a log. The lord leapt back, realizing he wasn't going to block something like that. Finally given the chance, he glanced back at the person addressing them. No way he was going to take this thing down on his own. "SIr Godfrey of Penshold!" He exclaimed his title without announcing himself a lord. The Pursuer quickly recovered its strike and prepared a sweep that spanned the cave tunnel. Mathias jumped back again but his enemy kept pressing forward. Between strikes he called back. "A little help?" Screw formalities this was a dangerous foe. Finally he backed out of the cave mouth into the massive underground road.