"So I guess I'll start." Sanguine spoke, glancing at Oliver. "Feel free to add anything if I've missed something, Oliver." She then added, figuring most information would be coming from her anyway. Oliver's main objective there seemed to have been helping the village and testing out his powers. She on the other hand had only been focused on every bit of information that might be useful. Over the next one and a half hours or so everything was put on paper by their helpful scribe. Things were going more quickly than the vampiress had first thought, as the man was a very fast writer. Still, afterwards she felt a little tense. The seats were of plain wood, which wasn't exactly comfortable to sit in. It kind of reminded her of the chairs school used to have. So now she wanted to relax again. Preferably in Oliver's arms on a couch in the lounge. However there was still something else she now wanted to do. The npc's seemed to all see the two of them as far above themselves. But she wanted to make sure about what their thought of the guild master and her second in command. After that there would still be plenty of time to relax before dinner. And after dinner something like a horse ride might be nice. She had always wondered what it would be like to ride on horseback through the forest. But that was a thought for later. The librarian thanked them for the valuable information, though before she could dismiss him he was already up and about with the newly written papers to organise them. Dragons always had the tendency to be more focused on themselves than others. And this one appeared to be one of those stereotypical 'getting lost in their own thoughts and things' kind of creature. But he was clearly good at what he did, and Sanguine wasn't too fussed about all that etiquette the other npc's adhered to anyway. So she just ignored it. "So...I wanted to talk to all of the leaders for a bit. Preferably with you present as well. I want to hear from their own mouths how they see us. Just to know for certain what we can expect. After that I say we go back to the lounge and have some more beer by the fireplaces." A fire was relaxing to her, plus a fireplace had a bit of a romantic tone. "I don't think you have any objections, right?" She added with a smile, figuring the prospect of more relaxing and beer sounded good to him as well.