[Quote=Ambra]Okay, another announcement. And sadly, this is the last announcement. This RP is not going to continue. This is not because of the lack of interest of the RPers, but a multitude of factors melded together into one (people not responding to our inquiries, people beginning to drop out cause they have no motivation, etc). As I'm typing this, I'm not sure how to feel. I'm not certain if I feel frustrated or just plain sad with the situation. It appears that, no matter how much effort [@Solace] and I put into a RP, it just flops. And so, I'm not going to keep dragging this along. [b]This RP is now closed.[/b] With that, I will withdraw from all group RPs, but will remain active on the site. Perhaps you'll see me roaming about the 1x1 Interest Checks. Ciao.[/quote] Separately, I'll write off in a more regulated and articulated response. So like, yes this sucks because we've been stressing for activity over the last few days. Yeah, it sucks that you guys got some posts up and it finally opens up room for us to move on. And yeah, it sucks that it only just stared and wasn't even beginning to get into anything. I don't usually organize and coordinate roleplays in an open manner like this one. I've done it very sparingly in the past because I'm prone to being accused of doing too much/putting my own health and mind under huge stress to get things done. The reasoning why Ambra was always really direct and pushing for activity is because every roleplay that we've done in the past, each and every one of these roleplays that we've worked and written and put our minds under immense pressure to theorize and make, it's failed. [@RainDash] knows from another certain roleplay that we did, where we weren't as proactive as we were in ensuring activity, one that we ran for a year and I even wrote music for, had not gotten past the first-second portions of the driven story because we were lenient with people going about their own roleplays instead of our own creation. [@Ambra] has responsibilities. I have responsibilities and taxing jobs to complete in my daily life. RPG is far from being our priority in life, obviously. But when you work so hard for something, with so many hopes that it won't falter like a teetering tower of blocks, for that something to finally be the one thing you can be proud of actually being successful with because it's the very thing you love, of course someone like [@Ambra] will get upset at the fact that something isn't right. I am, or was, a passionate writer for a lot of times. No need to delve into my history, but this is one of those things that's just become something that isn't motivating to come to, anymore. I love the concepts that I wanted to incorporate, the world I wanted to introduce, the characters that you and I all created and wanted to write for. Sadly, to cut it short, I'm not motivated to continue this, any longer. It took a long time of thinking, and in the end, to save me the longtime stress of dealing with the time I wasted, we're going to end the roleplay here. There's no animosity intended obviously, Ambra is upset of course but I'm just delivering our will. Thanks for helping us try to start something like this. I needed the kick of inspiration to create something that I enjoyed for a long time, and for the first week or so, I felt that joy. I don't think I'll be creating any more roleplays, I'm getting way too old and gaining less time due to personal life stuff. If I'm not around RPG to see you in threads and stuff, good luck writing and I want to say continue being awesome in life. I know it's busy and might be tough but thank you for helping us with the first steps. Good luck!