[color=turquoise][h3][sub]Valence the Cultist[/sub][/h3][/color] Valence yanked his knife out of the eye of his third Drakken that night. The damned, blasted, arrogant motherfucks kept raping people. Why do that? Why not, he didn't know, they just be polite, civil intelligent beings that wooed and tried to impress fair Gems, instead of stealing them away from their homes and shoving their faces into their beds while they had their way with them. Valence, as he knew, was in a slight bloodrage. That is, a rage to spill Drakken blood because of their injustices against the unalienable rights to any living being. As such, they invalidated their own rights to live. And while the Creator, the Fates, and all other godly entities didn't seem intent on upholding the natural rules- Valence had no mind doing it for them. He slammed his sword into the Drakken's head, brutally sawing at the beast to cut off one of its' horns. The lady the beast was raping sat curled, naked, desperately trying to cover herself with the sheets, to stem the blood from a few cuts that the Drakken gave her. She watched on fearfully as Valence took his proof of his kill- but she seemed to approve, a little. Two more girls peeked into the room, from the hallway. Both of them were sort of used to the gore, by now. Valence had already done this once in their presence, each. Where else had he rescued them from? Walking out would be easy, anyhow. So he dragged the corpse into the beast's washing room, leaving a rather nasty trail of blood on the floor, before beckoning the two well-clothed Gems into the room. They promptly set about helping their fellow, cleaning her up, comforting her, as Valence glared at the bloody floor and cursed the Drakken again. He hid the horn in an inside pocket, next to four others. Guards were surprisingly lax around here, in the fortress interior. Having finished his final kill for the night, he approached the three Brides he decided to save. He hadn't asked their names; they hadn't given them. He hadn't offered his own, either. Instead, he knelt down at the bedside, watching the recovering Bride and the two he had already saved sitting on either side of them. "Alright, ladies. We're heading out. Do any of you want to stay?" An obvious shake of their heads, vigorous and pleading. "Anything you want to take with you?" Again, more shaking of the head. "Sir, we don't want to stay here any longer than we must," stated the first one he saved, firmly. "Anywhere is better than here," stated the second, just as resolute. "Where are you taking us?" asked the whimpering, somewhat cowering one. It seemed that she was a little afraid of males at this point. Understandable enough. So he gave a grim smile, and then replied, "The mountains. People like me have an outpost there. To prepare for an eventual Drakken attack. To counterattack, even. I'm here, after all. Now wouldn't it be nice to keep other girls from getting kidnapped from their homes to satisfy these beasts' perverse needs?" Naturally, firm, resolute nods. A little shaky on number three's part. "Well alright then. Get some cloaks, keep your heads down, and follow me." It was then that Valence replaced his horns- such a stupid requirement, but one that allowed him to pass right through a Drakken checkpoint- and marched out of the door, shutting it firmly behind him. There was a little blood on his torso, but he covered the majority of it with his own cloak. Pulling his hood up, he lowered his head and started marching. [center][hr][color=turquoise]Three Hours Later[/color][hr][/center] Walking out the gate had been easy. Walking down the road had been easy. Keeping three tired, part-raped women going down the road after a couple hours wasn't. Curse their stamina, or their lack thereof! So be it, they were far enough away and it was dark enough for it not to matter if there was a fire or not. This had led the four to sit around a small fire in the wilderness, wrapped in cloaks and huddled about. Incidentally, all three of them had decided that Valence was their savior and had begun treating him like a big brother- respecting him, using him as shelter, bickering with him, and giggling behind his back about the last thing he said. He'd say he found it annoying, but there was something about three Gems in horrible circumstances clinging to something good that left him feeling a bit better. In addition, all three decided that they'd use him as a heater, and were huddling in towards each other, around him. Valence just hoped no Drakken or mountain lion decided to stumble into their camp- the three bodies using him as a pillow (apparently he was the savior of their lives as well as their sleep) would get in the way. Gah! But then again, they felt warmer and safer with him. That was good, even if it might be problematic if they really do join the cult. Should he really describe his own people as a cult? That suggested they were conspiratorial and a little crazy, believing in improbable things. Then again, they believed they could stop a Drakken attack on their homeland. Cult seemed like a good word, now. He sighed, leaned against his tree, with three women leaning against him, shivering slightly, all of them, and closed his eyes. He listened to the forest, and awaited the night to end so they could continue on.