Oliver nodded when Sanguine declared she would start. That was probably the best way to do things. He interjected a few times, pointing out things he'd noticed. Mostly about their military capabilities. But beyond that he wasn't much help. He wanted to save people, not take notes. So he mostly paced the library for an hour and a half, listening to what the Guild Master had to say, and learning a thing or two at the same time. Eventually, the vampire ran out of things to have written down, and the warrior was a little relieved. Now they could relax. He was hopeful when the librarian started packing up, but quickly found his hopes shot down when the woman started going on about a meeting. The Paladin didn't let his disappointment show. Instead he nodded in agreement. "I like the part where we go get drunk." he chuckled when Sanguine commented on his lack of objections. He didn't see the point in talking to all their lieutenants, but wasn't going to argue with her about it. They headed out of the library, and he immediately accosted the first servant they came across. "Call a meeting. I want all of the guild's leaders in the throne room as soon as possible." he demanded. The servant only paused long enough to nod before running off, his new duty clearly more important than whatever shenanigans he had been up to before hand. "So... What are you doing later?" he asked as smoothly as he could, a not-quite-suppressed grin on his lips. He did manage to keep from chuckling, but only barely. He supposed the only thing left for him to do now was to hope that the meeting would be quick. He couldn't think of anything to contribute right now, so he supposed that would help. If the vampire decided to drone on, though, he might go a little crazy...