Aspen's eyes lifted to meet the queen's, and the natural smile that had permanently formed on her face broadened. And there she was - [i]Her Majesty, in all her glory, powerful, graceful, and quite cordial as well,[/i] she mentally remarked. [color=e29d9d]"Oh, no, the castle is magnificent!"[/color] Aspen reassured her. [color=e29d9d]"I was just lost in my thoughts, that's all."[/color] She gathered her nest of blankets to one side of the sofa, allowing the queen to take a place on the other end. [color=e29d9d]"I assure you, your palace is magnificent, and the service is amazing, much better than anything I could find at home. Everything here is quite a blessing, truly. I just do enjoy being in my head sometimes, mulling things over."[/color] She gently placed her teacup on a saucer and set them both on a gothic mahogany side table. A hand planted on the pocket where a certain fairy godmother may be located so as to prevent her from escaping. She also offered the queen a second teacup and the teapot before speaking again. [color=e29d9d]"I promise, my intent is not to complain as I say this,"[/color] Aspen began in a cautious tone, [color=e29d9d]"but I am worried your latest policy regarding the Grimm brothers and the return of their book may be stirring the people. While I traveled here to meet you, I noticed some... some type of energy that I haven't before; a pulsing energy that screamed of defiance. I intend to travel to the wood soon or perhaps to the nearest town, just to ensure I'm not misreading the people's activity, but I fear this policy could blow up in your-"[/color] She paused and shook her head. [color=e29d9d]"[i]-our[/i] faces. I am just a princess, though, so I do understand if you feel you know more than I in these matters."[/color] She said a quick mental prayer for mercy. She knew there was quite a risk in the words she was uttering, but she couldn't find it in her to stop their coming out.