Gish went along after the others, watching the scarecrows intently, certain that they were about to come alive and rend Rose to pieces even as she poked and prodded at it. She was almost disappointed when it remained as still as a statue and the black hunk that coated them smelled much worse up close. Combined it reminded her of home, but this concentrated? Yuck! She waves a hand in front of her face as the smell reaches her nose in force. "Maybe they're meant to keep something away? Mother once whipped up some gunk that kept mosquitos away with a smell. And scarecrows are meant to keep things away anyway." Then Rose directed her attention to [i]it[/i]. "Things like that!" she yelped. Tentacles. Tentacles! Why was it tentacles!? She jumped backwards, clanging herself into Sir Guttman, before scrambling behind him and Luciel. She peekd out from between his legs at the thing. God, it was so much worse than the first one. At least that one had had a proper face, sort of like a fish or alligator. This thing didn't even have that. Had that splash earlier been this thing coming out of the water?