After hearing the sound of the runic slab crumble Nemo brought himself to his feet. [color=c0c0c0]"Seems it's time to begin," [/color]he commented to Jessie as he used a basic spell to wipe his clothes clean of any debris from the ground. Nemo walked over to the area where the hole was located. [color=c0c0c0]"Good work you two,"[/color] he congratulated, peering into the hole with his hands in his pockets. [color=c0c0c0]"Hhmmmnn..."[/color] Nemo voiced as he thought about what lied beyond the veil of darkness, only able to see stairs so far. [color=c0c0c0]"Ladies first," [/color]Nemo said as he leaned back up and looked over to Raiya.