[img]http://i.imgur.com/Aum6ALB.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3541399]Blin "Brytag" Alborse[/url] Blin ran after the girl, he did want to ask after her her but more pressing issues were at hand. The bird monster was following and still trying to crush them boulders torn from the ground. He heard another one being ripped from the ground and started to feel the patter of pebbles striking his back. This is it, thought Blin he give a small spurt to his speed in a vain attempt to try and protect the girls back. Then her cloud companion formed into something beautiful to his eyes and seemed to explode in light. A hiss of melted stone and the rain of pebbles was no more than smoke. blin shot a glance up at the flying monster frowning, did he just imagine a sword inside the creature? He slowed a little and then his vision was blocked for real. [hider=Clawed beasty] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6c/a6/d7/6ca6d7191069b342c5101c54a49fed2e.jpg[/img] [/hider] The tiny white scaled creature stabbed its claws into Blin's shoulder and it sterred at him and seemed to rise one eyebrow in almost a threat. "[color=bc8dbf]Okay no daydreaming...[/color]" blin winced at the shar pain and moved on. He took a look at his staff and wonodered if it fly well. "[color=bc8dbf]I think this could rip it's wing membrane if nothing else.[/color]" Then they all ended up in another clearing the creature had landed and a second one was present. If he was going to use his staff as a spear and throw, Blin would need another weapon. he started to look around but was drawn back to the monster that had followed him and once more felt the sword that was inside it. He gripped his staff and vowed to rip the monsters wings apart, but he needed to get close and for that someone else would have to distract it. The small white creature hissed at the monster as blin decided his actions, it did incourage him and at least eli was there.