"Let's," Fazra replied in a growl to Cyrano. Her polite demeanor was gone, replaced by a sudden battle fury. Though when the armored man announced his heraldry, a small voice in the back of her mind acknowledged it. She did not know the place he mentioned, but a Sir is a Sir, as far as she cared. She charged down the tunnel, keeping toward the right to leave room for Cyrano beside her. The spider creature that accompanied the knight had spun a web to capture the undead thing. It wasn't enough to hold it, but it destructed it enough that it didn't bring its axe up in time to catch Fazra's hammer as it swing into the thing's head. The helmet caved in, and the sound of crunching bone could be heard. The dead thing staggered, but did not fall, despite the grotesque angle its neck now bent at.