(Because I have no imagination...) (acceptable character???) Name:??? Nickname: Pig Race: Human Appearance: [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/8b94eba99a89b6e7a07afce5551c4f5a/tumblr_nt5mh9T89W1ude2rbo1_500.jpg[/img] Age: 10 Ht: 5'3 Bio: This boy is tattered and worn has been given up to the world as meat for the slaughter. Trying to scavenge for food the boy ended up getting himself caught by a local gang that ended up selling him off to a bartender to work under. The bartender originally bought the boy so the boy would be in good hands, but after a few the months any affection went away. The boy was given the nickname pig, because the boy didn't have one to give. The boy's past is unspoken.