[hider=Karl Grimm-Denvers] [center][URL=http://s44.photobucket.com/user/charmainebotfield-clarke/media/asa1_zpsl4exaikq.jpg.html][IMG]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f23/charmainebotfield-clarke/asa1_zpsl4exaikq.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: Karl Grimm-Denvers Nickname/other name known by: (nerd, wiz kid, just karl, Age: 16 Gender: Male Relationship Status: Single Race/Species: Human Personality:Karl at first glance seems like the average, nerdy, loner kid, who keeps themselves to themselves. Generally Karl does not go looking for trouble, but trouble usually finds him. Such as this one time he made the mistake of being friendly to the most popular boy of his schools girlfriend, Well lets just say he spent the day with his head dunked down the toilet. it was not the highlight of his life. In truth Karl is far from his nerdy status, He is destined to do great things. He is a model student. ranking first in all subjects. Karl has a very kind nature and hates to see in justice. In truth Karl is from being a nerd he actually quite the opposite. Underneath he is confident in his abilities and is quite the optimistic person. In all the world he would make the greatest friend you would ever have. Strengths: Given Karl has adapted the nerdy status far from it he has a range of acheivements he has mastered. Karl is a skilled martial artist and has a black belt in Karate, Tae-kwon do and kung-fu. He has trained his body to not feel pain his inner chi is stronger than what his physical prowless looks like. His other physical skills include weaponory such as archery and sword fighting. His love of ancient dramas fuelled these achievements. His mental skills are well developed. Karl is highly intelligent and has excellent computer skills and is very quick learner for new tasks. Weaknesses: Karl has allergies and starts severly sneezing whenever there is flowers or pollen in the air. His eyes water, his vison goes blurry and he gets a headache. He also has a bad habit of eating too fast in doing causes him to get stomach ache. What does your character like/Hate the most: Skills: - Martial arts - trained in kung-fu- Tae-kwon do, and karate. weaponory - sword fighting and archery. He can make knots and tie rope. He can hack and design programs including computer viruses, He can also decode information. Weapon/Items: In the roleplay he will gain new weapons such a long sword and a arrow gun, along with others. Powers/Abilities: Using the book and the quill he owns he has the power to influence the people in his life and the realms he is destined to save. History/Biography: Karl is distantly related to the Grimm brothers. He is from the place where magic does not dwell. The modern world. Karl does not know his destiny but he is familiar with the stories because they are classed as just fairytales and make believe where he comes from. What he does not know is the fact that the stories that he grew up knowing are in fact true and now his destiny is just beginning. He is the new owner of the book which gives him powers to change fate. Other Information: Seeing as karl is from the modern world his slang and manner is different to the people in the enchanted realm. He will stand out his best bet would be for him to blend in and adjust to the world he has fallen into.[/center][/hider]