*Casually drops this here extremely late with no excuse* [HIDER] [Center] [H2] [color=red] Alexis (lexy) Sandra Dremmel[/color] [/h2] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlWrcIlxV-Nia7ctFhL9-tmFU83CqlwtnR6TQSGXIsyl4L0YgR[/img][/center] [Color=red] Height:[/color] 5'3" [Color=red] Eye Color: [/color] Green [Color=red] Age: [/color] 17 [Color=red] History:[/color] When she was young her mom died of cancer. She doesn't remember much of her just a few things, but either way she still misses her and wishes she is still alive. Her father is still alive, but is works a lot. Even thought this, Alexis lived in the same house and the town that she had learned to call home. Over the years she made friends, and also has discovered who her enemies are. [Color=red] Personality:[/color] What is Alexis like? She is many things. Hard to classify all together. Well for starters she is a bit of a nerd. She is smart, and studied as hard as she could. She was, for the most part, a straight A student, other than the required class called math that she struggled in the most. She never got any of the equations. Math was like trying to read a book in a foreign languaish; impossible, and boring. She was better at most of her other classes though, especially science. Science was one of her favorite subjects, at least as long as it didn't involve a lot of math in it. She found it so interesting how the world was made and such as, and made her very interested to find out more. It wouldn't be a surprise to find her reading a book about it on her free time, nor a surprise to see her reading a book in general. Reading was like another demention, an awesome demention for her. Nerdy? Maybe a little, but don't count your hopes on that, because your definitely going to catch her talking to someone a lot, whether it is allowed or not. She can be one of the biggest chatter boxes ever and will talk to anyone about anything. She is very optimistic, and also not very realistic. She tries to believe her hopes not the truth when it comes to bad things. She is a slight joker and a bit of prankster. She knows how to pull the best pranks known to man, and isn't afraid to pull them off. Her interest in building things also helps her out in this area. She is also very friendly at the same time and supporting of one. She is also the type not to complain if she gets somewhat dirty doing something, and is more of a hands on person. Calm and hard to anger also. Even when angered she won't ask for a fight. In fact, she isn't a huge fan of fights, and will try to avoid one as much as possible. Though if shes mad at someone for some reason, she might pull a few extra mean pranks on them, and also will refuse to talk to them for a while. [Color=red] Quirks: [/color] She is very confident in her actions and also the things she says. She can become quite sassy at times and takes the book she's reading everywhere with her. [Color=red] Likes: [/color] Alexis likes many things. These things can vary from reading to the outdoors and socializing with friends. She enjoys someone's company all of the time. [Color=red] Dislikes:[/color] She dislikes a few things, such as people touching her stuff, or messing with her books. She also hates bully's. Also with her believe that honesty is the best policy, she hates lies and those who are telling them. [color=red] Relationships:[/color] n/a [Color=red] [b][/b]Other: [/color] n/a [/hider]