Zarya smiled politely as the guards ceased their advance and reprimanded the merchant. She didn't approve of the Khergit man rough handling the young boy. Unlike him, she understood the boy's reluctance. He wasn't a warrior, and shouldn't be expected to act like one just because the Khergit man told him to. When the man walked up to Zarya to “discuss his contract”, Zarya smile faded. She honestly did not care what his business was. That being said, she supposed she could indulge him. Who knows, it may even be profitable. “I am Zarya. We may speak later.” But before she would barter with the merchant, she went up to the boy the Khergit man had struck. She took out one of her spare handkerchiefs and used it to wipe away whatever dirt or blood was on the boy's face. “Don't be scared of him. You were very brave to have made it this far. You can be so much stronger too, if you really want to. All you need is some weapons and armor and you can show him how brave you really are.” Zarya left her handkerchief with the boy as she turned towards the merchant. Unlike with the big or the Khergit man, Zarya was stone cold. “I will forgive you once. I will not do so a second time. If you have any honor as a merchant and want some sort of penance for your mistake, then let us do business. My guardian was unreasonable with his prices, so I am willing to sell our produce for 400 denar. If we succeed in liberating Rebache, we may even remember the merchant who was so gracious to do business with us.”