[quote=@AbandonedIntel] [center][b][h1][color=red]ATTENTION ALL UNITS[/color][/h1][/b] [h3]The RP will be starting tomorrow with the first IC post, so I suggest you get your character sheets in fast! Everyone's wanting to start the RP really soon and so am I! As of now I'm already working on the first IC post for this RP. However, since this is the last day before the RP starts, do you guys have any questions about anything, regarding what needs to be explained, what areas on the universe I haven't touched on, etc.? Just sayin'![/h3] (( [@Heathen] [@LPFan] [@Conflux] [@Hippocamp] [@FantasyChic] [@GamerXZ] ))[/center] [/quote] Is there any wars going on currently? Or tension building?