[color=teal]"You can begin whenever you are ready,"[/color] Professor Elle tells the class and Sophia tries to keep her posture relaxed. She hates starting a fight in a stance, because she doubts in real life that she will get that option. That and she feels like it gives away some of the places she protects the most on her body. She moves quickly from the burst of fire. Like hell is she getting burned! But the kick lands perfectly and she ends up hitting the ground. Letting out a quick curse, she rolls herself away from Peyton and hops back on to her feet, summoning her best cloud, which really isn't all that great. It's got some water falling on Peyton though and she hops that distracts her some as she moves in to throw a punch towards her side. Sophia really hates hand-to-hand, she'd much rather have her bow and be a good distance away.