[quote=@AbandonedIntel] [@Rainbow] There's some minor civil conflicts in some third world nations such as that of Chad, Sudan and a few other countries. The war in Syria and Iraq against ISIS was over in 2018 when Kurdistan was granted independence, though. Tensions are building up in between Kurdistan and Turkey (due to the Kurdish government under the control of a quasi-communist party with ties to a separatist movement in Turkey), and Iran is somewhat pissed about Turkey as well. There's been a fascist government takeover in Venezuela, and some rumors are spreading that something like that's gonna happen to Colombia too... Though Kurdistan is still destroying the remnants of ISIS and other jihadist groups remaining in Syria and Iraq. [@Gilgex] Somewhat, cars are still on wheels, and planes still use jet fuel and whatnot. Most of the modes of transportation are running on much more efficient energy, have massive cosmetic upgrades, have projected displays on the windshields, all kinds of safety and comfort features and are using all LEDS for their lights and stuff, but in the grand scheme of things, it's really the same (except for the fact that some of the more expensive vehicles can now drive themselves) The first 50 seconds of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqfs9yJALyc]this video[/url] has some of the tech demonstrated. Small inexpensive desalinization plants, speedy magnetic monorails and other stuff like that are making strides in the Western World, though, but in places like Colombia, they got the leftovers of the modern tech that we see today (as in IRL today), with some small tech (like wrist-bound computers, transparent and small cell phones, and other stuff like that) seeing some prevalence among middle-class Colombians. Also, alternative energy is making huge strides all around the world. [/quote] How different are the military and weapons from today?