[@Rainbow] Well most third-world countries are still using AK-47s, though some of the more better-funded countries, like those of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and (now) Kurdistan are using some of the new tech that most industrialized/post-industrialized countries have, which is that of goggles with HUDs, new ballistic armor, arm-bound computer tools and other stuff like that. Soldiers look a bit like [url=http://all4desktop.com/data_images/original/4171288-ghost-recon-future-soldier-concept.jpg]this[/url] in the Western nations and soldiers look a bit like [url=https://cdn1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/203/197/large/georg-loschner-soldier.jpg?1443929587]this[/url] in Eastern nations. However in countries like Colombia, Kurdistan and Turkey, they have a whole lot of armory and tech that we see in IRL today. The 32nd Peshmerga Unit will look like [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/600x315/ba/fb/98/bafb98a9418c8a94f481ca85527aa724.jpg]this[/url] (for both men and women) and carry weapons like [url=http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/jurisna-puska-VHS-21-660x446.jpg]these[/url] (VHS-2 rifles purchased from Croatia). While they are leftovers from 2010s development, they still work very well, even against 2020s tech demonstrations. The Turkish Army looks a bit like [url=https://cdn1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/203/197/large/georg-loschner-soldier.jpg?1443929587]this[/url], and carries [url=http://cdn4.img.sputniknews.com/images/103769/66/1037696680.jpg]these[/url] weapons (MPT-76 rifles developed in Turkey). The Colombian Army (as of now) remains relatively the same, with a few upgrades, but no new developments... yet. Drones, jets, tanks, APCs and all of that are still in use, but some countries (especially Kurdistan) are adopting South African MRAPs to replace their humvees, as they are very effective in defense against IEDs and other explosives (which is very useful when fighting ISIS and other jihadi holdouts).