[center] [hider=Tala Yepa] Character Sheet [hider=Tala][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1518/e4cebdce48ce305da19bdb40da2c9a0f8766e969.png?1590376[/img] At first, Tala would definitely come off as elvish in appearance, and most humans might mistake her for one. A true elf thought, would likely be able to tell the difference quite easily. While pointed, her ears extend more horizontally from the side of her head. White locks of hair fall from her head, complimented by icy blue eyes. She has a tall, lanky build with pale skin, and when she smiles she has incredibly sharp teeth. Overall, she'd probably look fairly attractive, if not a little lanky, if it wasn't for the tattered brown cloak wrapped around her body over a white robe. Do not underestimate her, either, as her physical strength is something inhuman. [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/b5fc/i/2014/154/1/f/wendigo_by_genzoman-d7kvwbn.jpg[/img] Quite similar to other werebeasts, Wendigos aren't much different, though they do have a much more violent and ravenous temperament that most others. Her transforming into the beast is triggered by intense hunger, greed, or want for something. Soft black fur coats most of her body, with claws sharp enough to cut through steel. Ribs poke through where her stomach should be, which is replaced with nothing but an emaciated flesh covered void. She stands roughly eight feet tall.[/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Tala Yelpa [b]Nickname/other name known by:[/b] Ravenous Beast of the Forest [b]Age:[/b] 157 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single, widowed [b]Race/Species:[/b] Human/Wendigo [b]Personality:[/b] Tala comes off as a friendly, if not somewhat eccentric older woman to most others. She does, in fact, enjoy the company of others and will often offer those lost or traveling through the forest the option of lodging around her home for the night, as it has been 'protected' against the creatures of the forest. For the most part, travelers [i]are[/i] protected from whatever creatures that happen to travel through there and they go on their merry way every now and then. However, if a large group of people or a single traveler come through...someone tends to go missing. For the most part, she is a friendly and eccentric older woman, who may come off as a bit unhinged from living in the forest alone for so long. However, her bloodlust and lust for feasting on human flesh knows no bounds, and its often what she dines on. [b]Strengths:[/b] Tala is surprisingly observant for someone so eccentric. Of course, this is due to her enhanced sense of sight, smell, and hearing. Also, with age comes a certain wisdom and Tala has been around the block a time or two and has learned some tricks in her time. She has almost impossible physical strength, able to crush humans into a bloody pulp if they ever get into her grip. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Want. For anything. Power, Greed, Hunger...if someone could be called 'greedy' for wanting it, it is a weakness of hers. She loves riches and would likely do just about anything to get her mitts on some treasure or gorge herself on a feast of food - or people. This, is of course, because of the Wendigo spirit living inside of her but she doesn't really complain. She's able to keep it under control most of the time, but if she goes for awhile without sating her more...violent urges, it could get messy. She is, for all intents and purposes mortal, she just can't die due to age and is a little more durable thanks to the spirit. Conventional weapons work well on her - stabbing her heart would likely weaken her greatly though it probably wouldn't kill her unless you followed it up with another attack. After all, you have to kill the spirit that's using her body as a host - not her - and it likes its host. Her bloodlust and battlelust can easily be used against her, if she's given herself to the beast. Thought is thrown out of the window by then, and is replaced purely by a beasts feral instincts and lust for blood. [b]What does your character like/Hate the most:[/b] [b]Likes[/b] Food Money People Quiet The forest [b]Dislikes[/b] Large Cities Being hungry Werewolves and other beasties. Being lied to Being deceived Being cheated on basically, if you lie to her in some manner, you're gettin' eaten. [b]Skills:[/b] -Knows how to create a plethora of potions and other alchemical concoctions. -First aid training -Cooking (including how to make humans taste wonderful) -Wilderness survival [b]Weapon/Items:[/b] -Several vials, herbs, and other things around a belt sitting on her waist. -small knife usually used for cutting herbs and other things [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] -Enhanced Vision, Sense of Smell, and Hearing -Inhuman Strength, in and out of Wendigo form [b]History/Biography:[/b] Tala was born around around a century and a half ago. A tribe of people living quietly in the mountains, who desired nothing but peace with the world around them. Her father was the tribes leader. Her Mother, their shaman. She had a fairly easy life growing up, truly. Unfortunately, though, she had always been on the greedy side of things. Being the daughter of both of the most important people in the tribe, perhaps it was natural she wanted respect, power, and shiny things. Of course, her parents warned her against such urges, otherwise she'd become a beast that they would be force to put down. She laughed, and told them she didn't believe in such stories. Her life went on as normal, for some time. She even fell in love, got married, and was slated to take over the tribe once her parents died. At least, she thought. As it turns out, no, that honor would go to her younger brother because she wasn't fit to lead. Well, if she couldn't have the tribe, then no one could. That night, a terrible beast tore through the tribe, slaughtering almost everyone and feasting upon their bones. [b]Other Information:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Alena] [hider=Alena][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_small/10/101958/2200197-dullah.jpg[/img] Standing at a rather impressive five foot eleven, the headless rider isn't exactly the most comforting things to look at. What, with being decapitated and carrying her head under her arm and wielding a whip made out of a human spine. Normally she wears armor with a tattered cloak trailing behind her. Often, she rides a black horse with red eyes. Her face, should one deign to ever look is ghostly pale with red coarse hair and bright green eyes. [/hider] Name: Alena [b]Nickname/other name known by:[/b] The Headless Horseman The Wild Huntsman [b]Age:[/b] Undead, has been around for awhile. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Race/Species:[/b] Undead/Dullahan [b]Personality:[/b] Honorable, quiet, and reserved. She doesn't speak much, for she has no need too. She is a messenger, her job is to deliver news for the Fey...and toll the proverbial bell for mortals when their time is up. That said, she will speak if spoken too, but she takes her role very seriously, and as such doesn't have much time for small talk. However, if one could get to know the headless knight, then they'd find a fairly friendly and jovial person. The only reason she seems unapproachable, is because her job often is quite demanding - sometimes she has to trek across entire countries in one night, which doesn't exactly mean it's easy for her to form relationships. [b]Strengths:[/b] -Expert swordsmanship -Undead, so killing her is a bit difficult -Stronger than your average human [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -She loses her head, her fighting ability goes down quite a bit. -Separating her head from her body is the easiest way to get rid of her. Her head isn't entirely defenseless, but if you manage to kill that then she's pretty much dead. Her body can fight by itself, however, and while it will decrease her fighting ability, do not expect it to be easy, especially with her horse nearby. What does your character like/Hate the most: -Cheaters -Dishonorable acts -Witches [b]Skills:[/b] -Expert swordsmanship -Good at using her whip, too. Weapon/Items: -Standard steel sword -Whip made of human bone -Armor -Hunting Horn Powers/Abilities: -She's able to tell when mortals are going to die. When their time on this earth is up. Not exactly a very combative ability, but it's her job. However, it should be noted that this sixth sense isn't always correct. -Undeath. As a being that's technically already dead, she's not exactly easy to kill. The easiest way to defeat her in combat, is to immobilize her some way, and take her head. History/Biography: Her history his...well, not all that open to the public. Mostly because she doesn't talk about it. What is known, is that once upon a time she was a simple village girl who got lost in the woods when she was gathering Acorns in a place called "Lost Waters" near what is today Dresden. The hunting horn signaled the beginning of a hunt, and the end of her mortal life. Other Information: [/hider] [/center] Feel like I could have done better on the Dullahan's CS, but that's moot~ [@Eris] Either way, they done. Do tell if there are problems.